
  A pair of new shoes I

  "Mama, Acme Stores are hiring next week." She raise d her head and stared into my face. "The employment off icer said girls would be hired only if they were proper ly dressed." Her brown eyes sought confirmation that I understood her statement. "That means stockings and a d ecent pair of shoes, Mama, and look at me!" She thrust out her feet in their dusty running shoes.

  Instinctively, I glanced at the old felt(毡制的) slipp ers I wore. There were no shoes in the house that could meet Acme's standards, and there was no money to buy a new pair. My heart ached with the folly of having sent my young one to find work, and I stepped behind her cha ir to comfort her with a hug.

  "Honey, we have a whole week to work on it." I kiss ed her soft hair, still warm from the sun. "Maybe somet hing will come our way."

  "That's what you always say, Mama, what's the use o f hoping!"

  It wasn't till I began to prepare our meager supper that I remembered the young man, and I went to the porc h for my tray. Had I found him sitting at the old wicke r table, as dejected as Alice, I suppose I would have k issed the top of his head, too, before sending him on h is way. I sent him a silent wish, instead. Take care, y oung man.


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