
  Id, Ego, Superego

  Freud divided human personality into three function al parts—Id, Ego, and Superego. In the Freudian system, the Id is the container of the instinctual urges. It is the unconscious part of mind, which seeks immediate sat isfaction of desires. It is concerned with what a perso n wants to do.

  Ego is the rational, thoughtful, realistic personal ity process. It is characterized by a desire for indepe ndence, autonomy and selfdirection. It is concerned wit h what a person can do.

  Superego is the idealized image that a person build s of himself in response to authority and social pressu res.

  The Id and the Superego often come into conflict wi th each other. It is the task of the Ego, according to Freud, to try to find a realistic way to resolve the co nflict—by satisfying the demands of Id without offendin g the Superego.

  from European Culture: An Introdution


  1. Id: 本我(指潜意识的最深层,无意识的原始精神能源,与自我、超我构成人类人格的三个基本力量)

  2. Ego: 自我,自己

  3. Superego: 超我


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