
  Nature's best medicines (III)

  Nonfat milk

  Leave the mustache on your lip, refill your glass a nd join us in a toast. Milk—the nonfat variety—is just about the best food source of calcium around.

  Milk helps prevent brittle bones (osteoporosis). Ca lcium is the bone builder in milk, and the vitamin D in milk helps us absorb the calcium.

  In addition, nonfat milk, combined with a low-fat d iet rich in fruits and vegetables, has been shown to lo wer blood pressure as well as any single prescription d rug. The calcium, potassium, and magnesium in milk help with that.

  Milk consumption also has been associated with a lo wer risk of kidney stones. That's because calcium binds oxalate in the large bowel so less is absorbed. Oxalate is what causes most kidney stones.

  Each 8-ounce glass of nonfat milk contains 300 mill igrams of calcium. Women under 50 and men under 65 need 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Older? Up that to 1500 mg. It can be difficult to meet all of your calcium needs w ith milk, but it's a smart way to get at least halfway or more to your daily requirement.

  to be continuedby K·Winston Caine with Laura Goldst ein


  1. lite: 清淡的,低盐的

  2. crucifer: 十字花科植物

  3. cuisines: 烹饪

  4. broccoli: 椰菜

  5. estrogen: 雌激素

  6. arteries: 动脉

  7. sludgy: 淤积

  8. glutathione: 谷胱甘肽

  9. bolster: 支持

  10. cholesterol: 胆固醇

  11. cataract: 白内障

  12. lutein: 叶黄素

  13. redolent: 芬芳的

  14. strep: 链锁状球菌

  15. antioxidant: 抗氧化剂

  16. colon: 结肠

  17. allicin: 蒜素

  18. legume: 豆类

  19. folate: 叶酸

  20. polyphenolic: 多酚

  21. calcium: 钙

  22. osteoporosis: 骨质疏松症

  23. potassium: 钾

  24. magnesium: 镁

  25. oxalate: 草酸盐


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