2007年06月15日 14:02 新浪考试
在确定好一条条的扩展句后,怎样把这些句子流畅而连贯地组合在一起呢?这便是关联词发挥作用的时候了。在英语中,句与句之间、段与段之间一般都有连词或关联词连接,通过这些词读者能够很清楚地明白文章前后的逻辑联系。适当使用关联词是四级写作必备的技能,大家应该要引起特别重视。常用的关联词分为四类: 1、列举类 列举法常用在议论文中,当作者提出一个论点后,可通过列举出一系列事实对其进行说明或论证。列举类关联词有: first(ly), second(ly),... finally; for one thing, for another; on the one hand, on the other hand; moreover; furthermore; what's more; in addition; besides; first of all; in the first place, in the second place; (at)last; then; next; the last but not the least 2、举例类 举例法是用事例或数据对中心观点进行说明论证的方法,举例类关联词有: for example; for instance; such as; like; take...for example; a case in point; namely; in other words; that is; especially; in particular 3、比较和对比 比较是把两种或两种以上的事物进行比较,以辨别出它们的相似之处;对比是将这些事物进行对照,辨别其差异而指出各自的特征和本质。这类关联词有: but; however; yet; otherwise; while; in contrast; by contrast; on the contrary; similarly; likewise; like; conversely; rather than; instead; on the other hand; equally; nevertheless; nonetheless; unlike; still; in the same way; compared with... 4、 因果类 as a result; since; because(of); thanks to; due to; owing to; for this reason; hence; thus; therefore; on this/that account; on account of; consequently 5、总结类 总结法是指在表达了一个观点或举了一个例子后,进行总结、给出概括,这类关联词有: in this case; according to; in a word; in brief; in short; to sum up. 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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