
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年10月19日 20:10   四六级考委会

CET Spoken English Test

Sample Paper

  Topic A - 1

  Topic Area : City Life

  Topic : City Traffic

  Part 1 (5 minutes)


  Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket? Your name, please. And your number? … Your name? … And your number? ... Thank you.

  Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other? Remember, you should not mention the name of your university. (1.5 minutes)

  OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I'd like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city.

  [ C1, C2, C3 ]

  1) How do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?

  2) What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?

  3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket?

  4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why?

  5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?

  6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city?

  7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why?

  8) What's your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?

 [1] [2] [3] [下一页]

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