英语六级标准听力测试模拟(一)Section B

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 17:33   北文学校

  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. [A] They were born to be pale.

  [B] They did not like traveling in sunny countries.

  [C] They wanted to be different from the peasants.

  [D] They thought light color was the color of health.

  27. [A] People without exposure to sunlight.

  [B] Wealthy people in Europe centuries ago.

  [C] Workers during the Industrial Revolution.

  [D] Wealthy people during the Industrial Revolution.

  28. [A] Noblemen centuries ago did not like traveling.

  [B] Heredity is not the only thing that influences our color.

  [C] Exposure to sunlight is the only thing that determines skin color.

  [D] Having a tan is considered a sign of wealth nowadays in North America.

  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. [A] They can live in meadows.

  [B] They can jump high to get food.

  [C] They can live off many different kinds of hosts.

  [D] They can survive without eating for many months.

  30. [A] A disease. [B] A cause of fatal plague.

  [C] A substance in a flea’s legs. [D] The substance that a flea lives on.

  31. [A] Rat flea. [B] Cat flea.

  [C] Dog flea. [D] Rabbit flea.

  32. [A] From Europe to China. [B] From Ethiopia to Europe.

  [C] From China to Ethiopia. [D] From Byzantium to China.

  Passage Three

  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  33. [A] Sort the mail.[B] Answer the mail.

  [C] Read the magazines. [D] File important information.

  34. [A] Pay the bills right away.

  [B] Read the magazines very quickly.

  [C] Sort the articles into categories for later reference.

  [D] Stop buying magazines which you don’t have time to read.

  35. [A] At least once a month.[B] At least twice a month.

  [C] At least once a year. [D] At least twice a year.

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