英语四级标准听力测试模拟(一)Section A

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 18:08   北文学校

  Section A

  11.[A] The man is out of shape.

  [B] The man doesn’t need a new racket.

  [C] The man also needs new tennis shoes.

  [D] The man spent too much on his tennis shoes.

  12.[A] She prefers chemistry. [B] She hasn’t got a partner yet.

  [C] She is too tired of chemistry.[D] She is too busy to work on her chemistry.

  13.[A] Customer and waitress.[B] Teacher and student.

  [C] Boss and secretary.[D] Lawyer and client.

  14.[A] He was satisfied with the service on the ship.

  [B] It was the first time he had been abroad.

  [C] He had never been on a warship.

  [D] He has been on the warship before.

  15.[A] He is confident.[B] He is worried.

  [C] He is bored.[D] He is angry.

  16. [A] The woman offered to help the man find his box.

  [B] The man doesn’t know where to go.

  [C] The woman will buy the man’s lunch for him.

  [D] The woman will give the man a treatment.

  17. [A] It’s enjoyable. [B] It’s terrific.

  [C] It’s too modern. [D] It’s old-fashioned.

  18.[A] Near the stairs. [B] On the platform.

  [C] At the ticket office. [D] At the information desk.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19.[A] In a college bookstore. [B] In a lecture hall.

  [C] In a library. [D] In a dormitory.

  20.[A] English. [B] Biology.

  [C] Introduction to English Literature.[D] A required course.

  21. [A] He lives on the 10th floor of Butler Hall.

  [B] He never wants to listen to students.

  [C] He used to teach biology.

  [D] He is an excellent professor.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22.[A] When to move. [B] Where to live the following year.

  [C] How much time to spend at home. [D] Whose house to visit.

  23. [A] Take some money to the housing office.

  [B] Inform the director of student housing in a letter.

  [C] Fill out a form in the library.

  [D] Maintain a high grade average.

  24. [A] Both live on campus. [B] Both live off campus.

  [C] The man lives on campus; the woman lives off campus.

  [D] The woman lives on campus; the man lives off campus.

  25. [A] Grades.[B] Privacy.[C] Sports.[D] Money.

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