四级标准听力测试模拟一Section B答案解析(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 18:20   北文学校

  Passage Two

  Officials at the Olympic Games taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, say they have met their environmental goals. However, environmental groups say the Salt Lake Olympic Games have done permanent harm to the area. Protection of the environment is now officially one of the three goals of the Olympic movement. The other two goals are sports and culture. Today, many cities seeking to hold the Olympic Games promise to offer greater protection for the environment. However, an environmental group says that the Salt Lake Olympic Committee make promises that it has not kept. For example, activists criticize ski jumps that were built into the sides of the mountains. They also criticize the officials for permitting trees to be cut down and new roads built for the Olympic Games. They said better public transportation is needed to help decrease air pollution during the Games. And they said not enough has been done to reduce energy use. Lawyers say the Olympics are being used as an excuse to permit development that normally would be unacceptable under the current environmental laws.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. What do the environmental groups think of the Salt Lake Olympic Games?

  【解析】[D]。在听录音之前,预览四个选项可知本文可能谈论的是The games与environment的问题。原文中用转折语言引出环境组织的意见,however,...have done permanent harm to the area,故选[D]。

  30. Which is not a goal of the Olympic movement?


  31. According to the environmental groups what is needed to decrease airpollution during the Games?


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