2007年12月04日 13:58 北文学校
在部分学生安然地享受着大学教育的同时,有一些学生却因为无法支付昂贵的学费而不得不勤工俭学或是半工半读。这种现象在许多国家都存在。 Work for College Education Students all over the world have to work for their education. A college education in the United States is expensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for their children’s education when their children are babies. Even so, many young people cannot afford to pay the expenses of fulltime college work.① They do not have enough money to pay for school costs. Tuition for attending the university, books for classes, and living expenses are high. There are other expenses such as chemistry and biology laboratory fees and special student activity fees for such things as parking permits and football tickets. The cost of college education increases every year. However, classrooms are still crowded with students. Some American students have scholarships or other support, but many do not. Students from other countries have money problems to overcome, too. Because students in most international programs need to have a sponsor (a person, organization, or local government that pays for them), they work hard to earn scholarships or special loans. International students understand the value of going to school in another country. They also know that it is difficult. Yet just as Americans choose to attend American universities in spite of the difficulty,② it is usually possible for students from abroad to work on university campuses to pay for some of the cost of their education. Some people believe that students value their education more if they work for it. [245 words] 行文点评 文章讨论的是在美国上学的大学生们得自己打工以支付上学费用。文章分为两段。第一段谈论美国学生情况:美国家庭往往在孩子幼年时就开始存钱,但各种繁重的费用使得学生们还是得半工半读。第二段谈论其他国家学生的情况:留学生需要努力学习以获取奖学金或贷款,他们还可以在学校勤工俭学以挣取学费。 本文用词平实,论据充分,分为两段举例,两个段落之间用too一词实现自然衔接。 好文妙译 为接受大学教育而工作 世界各地的学生都得为自己的教育而工作。美国的大学教育非常昂贵。费用如此之高以至于大多数家庭在孩子还是婴儿的时候就开始为他们储备教育经费。即便如此,很多年轻人还是无力支付全日制大学课程所需的各项费用。他们没有足够的钱支付学校费用。大学学费、课本费和生活费都很高。还有其他费用例如化学、生物实验费,以及诸如停车许可证、足球门票之类的学生特别活动经费。大学教育费用逐年上升。但是教室里仍然挤满了学生。有些美国学生可以得到奖学金或其它资助,但还有许多学生得不到。 来自其他国家的学生也需要解决钱的问题。因为多数国际项目中的学生需要有资助人(替他们出钱的个人、组织或当地政府),所以他们得努力学习获取奖学金或特殊贷款。留学生了解在他国求学的价值。他们也了解其难度。然而正如美国人尽管困难重重还是选择上美国大学一样,通常国外学生可能会在大学校园里工作以支付他们教育的部分费用。有些人相信学生如果自己打工支付教育费用,他们会更加珍视所受的教育。 词汇斟酌 tuition n. 学费 scholarship n. 奖学金 sponsor n. 赞助人,主办人 佳句临摹 ①【注释】even so即使这样 【临摹】But, even so, there are more things worth seeing in this city than you can take in one visit.但即使这样,这座城市中值得看的东西也远非你一次参观就能看得完的。 ②【注释】in spite of尽管 【临摹】The children went to school in spite of the storm.尽管有暴风雨,孩子们仍然去上学了。 思如泉涌 No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。 Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. 与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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