

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月10日 11:33   英语周报大学版

  Part III Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  11. M: Have you seen Jane lately? I thought that she was studying at the American Language Institute, but yesterday I saw her going into the chemistry lab in the engineering building.

  W: That is not surprising. Jane is a part-time student this semester. She is taking three classes at the Institute and one class at the university.

  Q: What do we learn about Jane?

  12. M: Excuse me, would you please tell me when the next flight to Tokyo is?

  W: Sure, the next direct flight to Tokyo is 4 hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at Shanghai, you can board now.

  Q: What do you learn from this conversation?

  13. W: Have you bought all the books you need this semester yet?

  M: I’ve bought a book for writing practice, but the textbooks for extensive reading and listening were sold out.

  Q: Which course has the man got a book for?

  14. M: I would like to move to the suburbs, but I don’t have enough money to pay the high taxes.

  W: I wish you could. It is nice to live there.

  Q: Why isn’t the man moving to the suburbs?

  15. W: You don’t feel very well, do you? Have you got a cold?

  M: Oh, no, but my teeth ache. I just had three scoops of chocolate ice-cream.

  Q: What probably caused the man’s problem?

  16. M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket? I feel cold.

  W: I think we’ve got one. Could you wait until after take-off please?

  Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  17. W: Professor Wang’s car has got a scratch.

  M: What a shame! But maybe I can give him a hand with the paint work.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  18. W: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If he’s going to be at the Christmas party, I just won’t come.

  M: I’m sorry you feel that way. But my mother insists that he come.

  Q: Why is David being invited to the party?

  Now you’ll hear two long conversations.

  Conversation One

  W: Hi, Michel, how’s everything going, and what’s with the flowers?

  M: They’re for my wife.

  W: Oh, a wedding anniversary or something?

  M: To tell you the truth, it couldn’t be worse. You see, I have to pick up my wife from the airport this evening, but while she was gone, there were a few minor mishaps.

  W: Oh, really? What happened?

  M: Well, I had some of the guys over Friday night to watch a basketball game on TV, but one of them got all excited, and started going around, waving his arms, and he accidentally knocked over my wife’s 250-year old porcelain vase given to her by her grandmother, and broke it beyond repair.

  W: Man, have you tried…

  M: Super glue? Yup, but she would be able to tell in a second.

  W: Oh, wow. You’re in hot water now.

  M: If it had been only that.

  W: Oh, there’s more?

  M: Yeah, you see, the water from the vase spilled all over the manuscript of a book my wife has been writing for the past two years. It blurred the ink over many of the pages. And so one of the guys had the bright idea of drying the pages by the fire while we watched, uh, the rest of the game, but a spark from the fire must have blown out and burned the manuscript to a crisp.

  W: But what about an electronic file copy? She had one, didn’t she?

  M: Well, actually, her computer crashed the day before while I was playing some computer games, and I haven’t been able to get it to work since.

  W: Man, you are in trouble now. You’re going to have a hard time digging yourself out of this one. Ah, so I get it now. You’re buying the flowers for her as a part of some kind of peace offering, right?

  M: No, not at all. They’re for my funeral.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What was the man doing on Friday night when his problems started?

  20. What did the man do with the vase?

  21. How did the manuscript of the book become totally ruined?

  22. What sort of reaction does the man expect from his wife about his misfortunes?

  Conversation Two

  W: Excuse me, I came to look at the apartment you have advertised in the paper.

  M: Fine. Do you smoke or drink?

  W: No. Why?

  M: We don’t allow that in our apartment. Do you have a job?

  W: I have a part-time job but I’m a student. My parents are going to pay the rent.

  M: OK. Let’s go to take a look. We have two actually, 102 and 213. They’re both two-bedroom apartments.

  W: Oh, I didn’t notice that in the ad… I’m going to be living alone so that’s too big.

  M: We do have a one-bedroom that will be empty in a couple of weeks, 201.

  W: Can I see that one now?

  M: I think it’s OK. Miss Smith is out.

  W: How much does the apartment rent for?

  M: $145.00 a month. And there’s a one-month deposit. Of course you get that back if the apartment is in good condition when you move out.

  W: That’s a little more than I was planning on paying. I was thinking of $120.00 or $125.00 a month.

  M: Here we are. Come on in.

  W: Oh, say. This is very nice. And it’s really bright in here.

  M: The phone, store and fridge go with the apartment. You have to pay the bills of course, though.

  W: I really like it.

  M: Well?

  W: I think I’ll take it. It’s a little bit expensive but it’s very convenient to the university.

  M: Can you make a deposit today?

  W: Yes. Is a hundred dollars OK?

  M: Fine.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. Who is the girl?

  24. Which apartment will she rent?

  25. How much is the rent?

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