
12月六级考试听力原文(SecA 15-18题)(沪江版)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月18日 18:00   新浪教育


  听力原文(SecA 15-18题)

视频:新东方名师第一时间点评四六级考试 媒体来源:新浪教育


  M: I think your boss would be very upset when he gets your letter of resignation。

  W: That may be so. But in the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer live with his poor management and stupid decisions。

  Q: What do we learn about the woman?


  W I’d like to exchange the shirt. I’ve learned that the person bought it for allergic to wool。

  M Maybe we can find something in cotton or silk. Please come this way。

  Q;What does the women want to do?


  M: Excuse me, Miss?Did anyone happen to turn in a new handbag? You know, it’s a birthday gift for my wife。

  W: Let me see. Oh, we’ve got quite a lot of women’s bags here. Can you give me more detailed information, such as the color, the size and the trademark?

  Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?


  M What are you going to do with the old house you are in heritage from your grandfather?

  W I once intended to sell it, but now, I’m thinking of turning it into a guest house, because it's still a solid structure。

  Q: What does the man plan to do with his old house?

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