

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月18日 12:14   沪江英语


  A retailer looking to expand their business or attract more customers doesn’t invest in shinier posters to put outside the shop or better TV commercials. Smart retailers know that the eyes of their consumers are glued to the computer screen. Online stores are rapidly becoming one of the most popular places to go for clothes, books, home appliances, and even food. Customers not only save time by being able to browse multiple stores at once, but also enjoy the added benefit of reading product reviews。

  Some, however, still prefer the traditional Saturday afternoon of window shopping, dashing in and out of fitting rooms, and stopping for an afternoon coffee. They find shopping in stores more social, and relish the chance to try the clothes on before buying them. Shopping online is certainly not for everyone。

  I find myself with a foot in both camps. I enjoy the convenience of scanning Amazon’s best sellers, and love that they can offer me personalized recommendations based on my previous searches. However, nothing beats curling up in a comfy armchair on a Sunday afternoon in the bookstore around the corner and paging through stacks of books to create my summer reading collection。

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