

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月18日 19:51   新浪教育微博


  Nowadays, a growing number of people are enthusiastic about a wide variety of certificate exams. According to a recent survey, most people say they are preparing for all kinds of exams for career or academic development. Then why is phenomenon so popular? in the following paragraphs I will explore the factors involved and offer my views on it。

  There are many reasons behind this phenomenon. First of all, some people say with the fierce competition in the job market, you must be well prepared all the time in order not to be eliminated. A certificate can increase your competitiveness greatly. In addition, for some companies, you must have some kind of professional recognition before they offer you a position. Even for others, they take the exam just for the reason that most people do this。

  As far as I am concerned, certificate is only a sign for you, but not everything. So we should better not always follow the suit. After all, the most important thing is your ability, and qualification for you to succeed。


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