

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月18日 19:59   新浪教育


  Florence Hades is a journalist for the Greenwell Journal ,the daily newspaper in town .Specifically ,she covers crime in the Greenwell area. This responsibility takes her to many different places every week ,the police station ,the court and the hospital .Most of the crimes that she writes about fall into two groups :violent crimes and crimes against property .there isn’t much violent  crime in a small town ,like Greenwell ,or at least not as much as in  large urban areas, but assaults often occur on Friday and Saturday nights near the bus downtown .there are also one or two rapes on campus every semester .Florence is very interested in this type of crime and tries through out a long large article about each one ,she expects that this will make women  more careful  when they walk around  Greenwell alone at night . Fortunately ,there were usually  no murders in Greenwell ,Crime against property make up most of Miss Hades reporting They range from minor cases ,deliberately damaging things to much more serious offences such as car accidents involving drunk drivers or bank robberies .but Flore has to report all of these violations from the thief who took type writers from every unlocked room in the  dormitory to the thieves stealing 1 million dollars worth art work from the university museum .Miss Hades enjoys working for a newspaper ,but she sometimes gets unhappy about all the crimes she has to report ,she would prefer to start writing about something more interesting and less unpleasant ,such as local news and politics ,maybe next year 。

  32.What is Florence Hades main responsibility as a journalist ?

  33.What does the speaker say about security in Greenwell?

  34.What do you learn about crimes against property in the Greenwell areas ?

  35.What would Florence Hades prefer to do ?

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