

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年08月30日 15:53   沪江英语


  A: I heard you didn't pass the cet exam, again.。。


  B: yeah...you know, sometimes things just happened。


  A: You know that we are all concerned about you。


  B: I'm sorry, ok? I've tried my best. But exam is just something you can't demand。

  -大家都是成年人了,你知道我想说的 不是考试,是你的学习态度。

  A: Come on. We are all adults. You know what I meant. I'm not talking about the exam. I'm talking about your study attitute!


  B: Stop lecturing me! Have you ever considered my feelings? Anyway, I promise you I'll try to focus on study from now on。


  A: But you never try to speak English. Language needs practice!


  B: Yeah yeah, but like that old saying goes: you can use your mouth to eat freely, but don't talk like that!


  A: So what's your plan next?


  B: Well I plan to move to Canada in a few days。


  A: Hey, you didn't pass the cet4, even immigration won't help you for that。


  B: The most important thing about life is to be happy, so is the same for study。


  A: Well then, I should recommend you yeshj.com. If you want to study foreign language happily, you definitely log on yeshj!


  B: Wow, excellent choice! Wanna some homemade desserts?

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