

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年12月17日 17:43   新浪教育微博



  The Way to Success

  There is no consensus of any certain way to success. Some people hold the view that only the strong will can lead to great achievement. Some people maintain that intelligence and opportunities are salientto their success. As a university student in China, I believe that success only occurs to the people who are well prepared. For instance, a variety of certificates and skills are the prerequisite to a good job。

  How do people define success? For idealistic people, they won’t be imprisoned by any constraints;bicycling around the world is a challenge they want to win. For realistic people, they want to be settled, such as getting advancement in the job and having a happy family. No matter what kind of person one is, he needs to set a goal initially,and then schedule an elaborate plan, finally taste the joy of success when he completes this check-to-do list. Perhaps high intelligence can shorten one’s path to success, but without the insistence on the initial goal, one can never fulfill his dream。

  No pain, no gain. Although the process of success can be varied, as I claimed at the beginning of this paper, only well-prepared people can grab the opportunities and be on the road to their success。





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