

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月30日 11:14   新东方在线微博



  两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词或用分号、冒号、逗号等连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。常用的等立连词有and, or, but, so, for, neither, nor, while, whereas等。


  It was a cold snowy day。

  He had no money left for food. (and)

  Hurry up。

  You’ll be late. (or)

  It rained heavily last night。

  I went to the show anyway. (but)

  I enjoy classical music。

  She enjoys classical music, too. (so)

  He must be ill。

  He is absent today. (for)

  6) Some people waste food。

  Others haven’t enough. (while)

  7) She is fat。

  Her husband is thin. (whereas)

  8) She cannot read。

  She cannot write, either. (neither)












  They need more help in English。

  That is quite obvious。

  She is still alive。

  That is good news。

  She will come here。

  It doesn’t seem likely。

  The children came to the zoo。

  They like the pandas best。

  We are badly in need of something。

  It is raw material。


  did not, a pity, he, come earlier, it’s, that

  smoking, it is, cause, a well-known fact, lung cancer, can, that

  encouraged him, it is, but, help him, true, actually, I, that, didn’t

  they, keep their promise, didn’t, seem, it, likely, that, would ever

  why, for criticism, hard to understand, had singled out, Mary, it was, Prof. Hardy


  What kind of show are they putting on?

  Can you tell me?

  Is the letter overweight?

  I’m wondering。

  How can we improve our study habits?

  I am thinking of that。

  Is Henry the right person for the job?

  We are still uncertain as to that。

  Peter has a slight headache sometimes。

  He has always been in good health except that。

  He had forgotten to take his notebook with him。

  He suddenly remembered that。

  4. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句,并且用it作形式宾语。

  I was far more intelligent than he was。

  I always took that for granted。

  You were unable to attend our meeting。

  We all thought that was a pity。

  You should mind your manners。

  We consider that is important。

  He was too ill to go on working。

  He didn't want that to be known。

  Every one of you should finish your homework on time。

  I regard that as important。

  His father would come to his help if he got into trouble。

  He took that for granted。

  He might change his mind at the last minute。

  We thought that was highly probable。

  The train will be delayed by the dense fog。

  I think that is likely。

  You should stop smoking。

  The doctor thinks that is advisable。

  5. 用 “what” 从句将下列句子补充完整。

  Could you show me ______ (you, write)?

  This is ________(we, should always, keep in mind)。

  (they, see) _______ in China made a deep impression on them。

  We must not put off till tomorrow ______ (we, can, do , today)。

  6. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为同位语从句。

  He is growing old。

  Nothing can hide the fact。

  He works hard。

  The fact does not necessarily mean that he is a competent leader。

  I have a complacent feeling。

  I feel that I’m highly intelligent。

  He explained that he didn’t see the notice。

  The explanation is unsatisfactory。

  He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method。

  Most of us don’t agree with his view。

  He won the first gold medal at the 23rd Olympic Games。

  The news soon spread throughout the country。

  He has suggested that intelligence is a relative matter。

  His suggestion is not universally accepted。

  I moved that the vote be postponed。

  He seconded my motion。

  He feared that he might not be able to finish the work。

  The fear disturbed him greatly。

  We expressed a hope。

  That hope was that Mr. and Mrs. Morrison would come and visit China again。

  I’ve come from Mr. Lin with a message。

  It says that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon。

  Suzy is the right person for the job。

  There can be no doubt about it。


  在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句是定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词的后面。定语从句一般由关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词when, where, why引出。

  关系代词和关系副词有两个作用:1、把主句和从句连接起来;2、在从句中作一个成分。which, that, who在从句中作主语或宾语;whom作宾语;whose作定语。when, where, why在从句中作状语。

  关系代词that, which, who, whom如果在从句中作宾语,也可以省略。




  I went to visit the American author。

  He wrote a number of books about China。

  My aunt prepared the soup。

  I ate the soup。

  I have an arrangement with my bank。

  By the arrangement they let me use their money and repay them next month。

  He sent her a letter。

  In the letter he said that he was sorry for what he had done to her。

  Mr. Brown just came from Britain yesterday。

  He will teach us accounting this term。

  She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan。

  She has some relatives there。

  The United States is known for its supermarkets。

  In these supermarkets, huge quantities of all kinds of food and household articles are sold。

  The story happened in late 19th century。

  At that time, China is suffering from the invasion of western powers。



  时间状语从句:when, after, before, as, while, whenever, since, once, until, as soon as

  地点状语从句:where, wherever

  原因状语从句:because, as, since, now that

  目的状语从句:so that, in order that, lest

  结果状语从句:so that, so…that, such…that

  条件状语从句:if, unless, suppose (supposing), provided (that), providing (that), on condition (that), in case, as (so) long as

  方式状语从句:as, as if (though)

  让步状语从句:though, although, even if (though), however, whatever, no matter how (what, where, when), whether…or


  (as long as, on condition that, lest, so…that, such…that, in case, as if, now that, whether…or, however, )

  You’ve bought a new car。

  What are you going to do with the old one?

  We’d better take the telescope with us。

  Perhaps it is needed。

  We must hurry off。

  Otherwise, we might miss the bus。

  The problem was very complicated。

  It took us nearly two weeks to solve it。

  The aircraft was flying at a very high altitude。

  We could hardly see it。

  I’ll lend you my computer。

  The condition is that you keep it in good shape。

  You can go out。

  But you should promise to be back before 11 at night。

  I remember the whole thing。

  It seems that it happened yesterday。

  He tried very hard。

  But he could not do the job satisfactorily。

  It may take an hour or even a whole day。

  But I shall find out the answer。


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