

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月16日 14:09   新东方微博




  11. D. Discussing a house plan。

  12. D. She is tired of the food in the canteen。

  13. C. Listening to some loud music。

  14. C. The man can dress casually for the occasion。

  15. A. 100% cotton pants in dark blue。

  16. C. Its location。

  17. C. Travel overseas。

  18. A. It is a fair bargain。


  19. D Hosting an evening TV program

  20. A He worked as a salesman

  21. B He wanted to be his own boss

  22. A They are all the man’s friends

  23. B It remains a major of industrial activity

  24. C Transport problem

  25. D Measures to create job opportunities。


  26. B. They had known each other since childhood。

  27. B. At Joe’s houses。

  28. A. Social divisions will break down if people get to know each other。

  29. A. In his building’s parking lot。

  30. A. It had been stolen by someone。

  31. B. In the city garage。

  32. D. The mysteriousness of creativity。

  33. A. It is the source of all artistic work。

  34. D. Creative imagination。

  35. A. It is part of everyday life。


  36. calculators

  37. handle

  38. items

  39. Responding

  40. emergencies

  41. rarely

  42. occur

  43. murders

  44. there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property

  45. Things get stolen when it’s easy to steal them, because they are left lying around unwatched。

  46. A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our things。



  1, a, ensuring no child is left behind。

  2, d, students performances declined。

  3, d, they are mostly small in size。

  4, d, some large schools have split up into smaller ones。

  5, c, their college-level test participation。

  6, b, their school performance was getting worse。

  7, a, maintain closer relationships with their teachers. 8. The proportion of students taking college-level exams

  9. a look at many different measures

  10. tackle tough subjects under the guidance of gifted teachers


  87. hadn’t been watered for a long time。

  88. one thousand pounds cheaper than mine。

  90. as well listen to the music。

  91. the door open and the light on。

  92. have been translated into many languages。





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