新浪教育[微博]讯 2014年12月20日全国大学英语四级考试开考,本次考试为多题多卷,新浪外语第一时间收集整理不同版本试题,供考生参考,以下是2014年12月英语四级翻译真题及参考答案:
China Internet is the world's fastest growing, 2010, China about 420000000 Internet users, and the number is growing rapidly, the Internet increasingly popular society brought about major changes, Chinese netizens often different Internet users and foreign, America netizens more is driven by practical needs, research using the Internet e-mail, as a tool for the buying and selling of goods, science, planning the formation or payment, Chinese netizen more is for social reasons for using the Internet, and more extensive use of the forum, blog, chat rooms, etc。。