
2018年06月16日 13:55 新浪教育

  PSG 2

  Passage 2 美国高速公路发展历史

  The United States has one of the best highway systems in the world。 Interstate highways connect just about every large and mid-sized city in the country。 Did u ever wonder why such a complete system of excellent roads exists? For an answer, u would have to go back to the early 1920s。 In those years just after World War 1, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense such a system could if necessary move troops quickly from one area to another。 It could also get people out of cities in danger of being bombed, so-called roads of national importance were designated, but they were mostly small country roads。 In 1944 Congress passed a bill to upgrade the system but did not fund the plan right away。 In the 1950s, the plan began to become a reality。 Over 25 billion dollars was appropriated by Congress and construction began on about 40000 miles of new roads。 The idea was to connect the new system to existing expressways and freeways。 And though the system was built mostly to make car travel easier, defense was not forgotten。 For instance, highway overpasses had to be high enough to allow trailers carrying military missiles to pass under them。 By 1974,this system was mostly completed a few additional roads would come later。 Quick and easy travel between all parts of the country was now possible。

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Q19。 What does the speaker say about the American highway system。

  Q20。 What was the original purpose of building a highway system。

  Q21。 When was the interstate highway system mostly completed。

  美国拥有世界上最好的公路系统之一。州际高速公路连接全国所有大中城市。你有没有想过为什么这样一个完善的道路系统存在?作为答案,你将不得不回到20年代初。在第一次世界大战后的那些年里,军方想要建立一个美国的国防高速公路系统,这样一个系统可以在必要时迅速将部队从一个地区搬到另一个地区。它也可以让人们离开有被炸的危险的城市,所谓的具有国家重要性的道路被指定,但它们大多是小乡村道路。 1944年国会通过了一项法案来升级该系统,但没有立即为该计划提供资金。在20世纪50年代,该计划开始成为现实。国会拨款超过250亿美元,新建道路约40000英里。这个想法是将新系统连接到现有的高速公路和高速公路上。虽然该系统的建造主要是为了让汽车出行更容易,但防御措施并没有被遗忘。例如,高速公路天桥必须足够高,以允许携带军用导弹的拖车经过它们。到1974年,这个系统基本完成了,稍后会有一些额外的道路。现在全国各地之间快速而轻松的旅行已成为可能。

  Q19。 演讲者对美国高速公路系统有何评论?

  Q20。 建立公路系统的最初目的是什么?

  Q21。 州际公路系统何时大部分完工?

  PSG 3

  Passage 3 智能方向盘

  Texting while driving was listed as a major cause of road deaths among young Americans back in 2013。 A recent study said that 40 percent of American teens claimed to have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger。 This sounds like a widespread disease but it‘s one that technology may now help to cure。 T.J。 Evert, a 20 –year-old inventor, has come up with a novel solution that could easily put texting drivers on notice。 It’s called Smart Wheel and it‘s designed to fit over the steering wheel of most standard vehicles to track whether or not the driver has two hands on the wheel at all times。 Evert’s invention warns the drivers with a light and a sound when they hold the wheel with one hand only。 But as soon as they place the other hand back on the wheel the light turns back to green and the sound stops。 It also watches for what’s called “close by hands” where both hands are close together near the top of the wheel, so the driver can type with both thumbs and drive at the same time。 All the data smart wheel collects is also sent to a connected app, so any parents who install smart wheel can keep track of the teen‘s driving habits。 If they try to remove or damage the cover, that’s reported as well。

  Q22。 What is a major cause of road deaths among young Americans?

  Q23。 What is Smart Wheel?

  Q24。 What happens if the driver has one hand on the wheel?

  Q25。 How do parents keep track of their teen‘s driving habits?

  开车时发短信被列为2013年年轻美国人死于道路的主要原因。最近的一项研究表明,40%的美国青少年声称在驾驶员使用手机时让人危险。这听起来像是一种普遍的疾病,但技术现在可能有助于治愈。 T.J。 Evert是一位20岁的发明家,他提出了一种新颖的解决方案,可以很容易地通知发短信的司机。它被称为智能车轮,它被设计用于安装在大多数标准车辆的方向盘上,以跟踪司机是否始终有两只手在车轮上。 Evert的发明仅在单手握住车轮时用光线和声音警告司机。但只要他们将另一只手放回车轮上,灯光就会变回绿色,声音就会停止。它还监视所谓的“靠近手”,在靠近车轮顶部的地方双手靠得很近,因此驾驶者可以同时用拇指和驱动器敲击。所有数据智能车轮收集的信息也会发送到连接的应用程序,因此安装智能车轮的父母可以跟踪青少年的驾驶习惯。如果他们试图移除或损坏封面,那也是有报道的。

  Q22。 美国年轻人死于道路的主要原因是什么? Q23。 什么是智能车轮? Q24。 如果驾驶员一只手放在车轮上会发生什么? Q25。 父母如何跟踪他们青少年的驾驶习惯?



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