
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月17日 13:50   刘本政老师提供

40. Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _____.

A. practical    B. possible   C. plentiful   D. precious

A 考察形容词的用法

41. We were tired and nervous _____ the constant tension.

A. from   B. for   C. with    D. off

C 考察介词的用法

42. “Which do you want, the red one or the black one?”

   “_____. How about showing me another?”

A. Either   B. Both    C. Neither   D. None

C 考察不定代词的用法

43. “what makes her so unhappy?”

   “____ one of her favorite books.”

A. Because she lost                   B. Because of her losing

C. She lost                          D. Her losing

D 考察动名词的用法

44. “I usually sleep with the windows closed at night, even in summer.”

   “You can never be ____ careful.”

A. very               B. much         C. too                   D. so

C 考察副词的用法

45. “_____ is your nationality, Miss Green?”


A. What       B. Where      C. Which                  D. Who

A 考察疑问词的用法

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