

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月12日 19:20   新浪教育微博

  Since the 1990s, middle and high school in more than two dozen states have experimented with later school start times. (78) The results have been encouraging: more sleep, increased attendance, better grades and fewer driving accidents. But most school still start early, meaning teens have their work cut out for them if they want to get enough sleep。

  6. According to the passage, poor sleep can be linked to all of the following EXCEPT____。

  A. heart disease              B. car accidents

  C. skin problems             D. poor concentration

  7. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is______。

  A. how sleep deprivation(缺乏)can be treated

  B. what causes sleep deprivation

  C. who is most at risk for sleep deprivation

  D. why sleep deprivation is a serious concern

  8. What does the word “juggling” in Paragragph3 probably mean?

  A. Dealing with at the same time

  B. Striking a balance between

  C. Weekend catch-up sleep

  D. Healthy diet

  9. Which of the following is NOT to balme for teenager’ lack of sleep?

  A. Multitasking          B. Striking a balance between

  C. Weekend catch-up sleep  D. Healthy diet

  10. According to the passage, what have some school done to help their students get enough sleep?

  A. Educating their students about the importance of sleep

  B. Monitoring their students’ late-night activities

  C. Delaying school start times

  D. Setting strict rules。

  Passage 3

  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

  As any middle-class parent knows, unpaid work experience can give youngsters a valuable introduction to a secure job. The government has recognized it too, abandoning rules in 2011 that had formerly stopped 16-to 24-years-olds from doing unpaid work while claiming unemployment benefit. But moving from that to forcing them to work without pay in order to collect these benefits has proved a big step。

  (79)More than one million young people in Britain are unemployed, the highest number since the mid-1980s. Keen both to cut the welfare bill and to avoid the depressed future wages that may result from early unemployment, the government has impressed future wages that may result from early unemployment, the government has introduced an ambitious program of reform to get youngsters off welfare and into work. A key part of it is ensuring that no one gets benefit from the government for long; ministers are keen to avoid what happened after the early-1980s recession(衰退),when unemployment continued in some parts of the country for a long time after the economy began to improve。

  To help young people into work, ministers had persuaded lots of employers, including bakery chains, bookshops, and supermarkets, to take on unemployed youths, who receive work experience but no pay, with the prospect of proper job for those who shine. (80)Some 35,000 youngsters participated last year; half found paid work soon after finishing the scheme。

  The idea of getting young adults used to showing up for work is popular with voters: according to a survey published in February, about 60% of people support the program. Equally attractive was the option of compelling them to work: under the existing arrangements youngsters could choose whether or not to accept a place, but if they dropped put after the end of the first week, they stood to lose up to two weeks’ benefits。

  Yet the scheme has also polarized(两极分化的)opinion: a third of people are consistently opposed. Following a noisy “Right to Work” campaign that accused employers of co-operating secretly with this from getting worse, Chris Grayling, an employment minister, admitted that young people could leave their work experience at any time without being punished for doing so. This not only halted the flight of employers(for now, at least)but also enabled him to announce that new firms have agreed to take part in the program。.

  11. According to the passage, young people in Britain_____。

  A. are used to showing up for work

  B. value unpaid work very much

  C. are always opposed to unpaid work

  D. could learn something about job security through unpaid work

  12. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. Most voters support the government’s effort to help young people to work

  B. Some people protest against the government’s attempt to force young people to work

  C. There are more than one million young people who took part in the program

  D. There are more than one million young people who are jobless

  13. According to the author, the British government is trying to______。

  A. punish young people if they are not cooperating with it

  B. reform the unemployed youngsters

  C. the economic slowdown

  D. reduce welfare spending

  14. The word “shine” in Paragraph 3 means “______”。

  A. do well                 B. reflect light

  C. look happy               D. produce light

  15. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?

  A. Enjoy Work Without Pay

  B. Can Work, Won’t Work

  C. Should Work, Shouldn’t Play

  D. Hate Work or Love Work

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