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http://www.sina.com.cn 2001/08/09 17:20  新东方教育在线


  L. Censorship


  1. it is for the good of society

  2. it protects children

  3. every society has some form of censorship

  4. the individual is less important than the community

  5. absolute freedom leads to anarchy

  6. many adults are not mature enough to make their own decisions

  7. it can be carried out wisely

  8. pornography is not art

  9. pornography is in the hands of unscrupulous people

  10.obscene works should be banned

  11.it is necessary in times of war


  1. it limits the individual' s freedom and human rights

  2. it is not consistent with democracy

  3. it is subjective and not objective

  4. it creates the problem of who will censor

  5. it is disappearing in advanced countries

  6. it deprives adults of their right to make decisions

  7. it can be applied to all aspects of our lives

  8. it is the first step toward totalitarianism

  9. it draws attention to banned works and increases sales

  10.voluntary censorship is better

  M. Equality Of the Sexes


  1. we all have the same Creator

  2. matriarchal societies go back thousands of years

  3. all advanced societies have given women equal rights

  4. most companies have adopted equal pay for equal work

  5. there are no skills women cannot master

  6. there are even women body builders

  7. men have a basic inferiority complex

  8. women are more interested in peace than men

  9. some world leaders are women (e.g., Margaret Thatcher )

  10.women are superior to men in some fields

  11.no scientific studies back up the stereotypes men have of women


  1. women have a different biological function

  2. women are physically weaker than men

  3. women can' t be mothers and career women at the same time

  4. many women want to depend on men

  5. most women want to stay at home and be mothers

  6. women haven' t been given the vote in some countries

  7. women are emotional and irrational

  8. women think intuitively (no famous women philosophers)

  9. hormones cause women to behave differently

  N. Foreign Aid


  1. it is humane

  2. the rich should help the poor

  3. all religions teach charity

  4. it seeks to end poverty, disease, and illiteracy

  5. it can be used to help refugees and combat slavery

  6. it is given by all advanced countries

  7. it is supported by the Red Cross and the United Nations

  8. it helped rebuild Japan and Germany

  9. it increases world trade

  10.it achieves political objectives

  11.it promotes national security


  1. it is degrading to the recipient

  2. it is never appreciated

  3. it leads to feelings of inferiority

  4. it limits the independence of developing countries

  5. it subsidizes laziness

  6. it often goessintosthe pockets of corrupt officials

  7. it supports Third World dictatorships

  8. it can be culturally damaging

  9. it has divided the United Nations

  10.the money should be spent at home for one' s own people

  O. Divorce


  1. it is the logical solution to a bad marriage

  2. it allows both persons to seek happiness in a second marriage

  3. it dates from as early as ancient Babylonia

  4. it is legally recognized by most countries

  5. it is accepted by most people

  6. remarriage is a right

  7. it is necessary in cases of adultery, alcoholism, desertion, drug addiction, and mental and physical cruelty

  8. children are better off living with one parent than with both in an unhappy environment

  9. feminists support it


  1. it breaks up the family

  2. it makes it too easy for two persons to walk out of their marriage

  3. it is opposed by various religions

  4. it is banned by some countries

  5. it was uncommon until fifty years ago

  6. marriage is a serious responsibility

  7. it is a sign of immaturity

  8. counseling is the solution

  9. it harms children emotionally

  10.children need both parents

  11.child custody decisions are messy

  P. Compulsory Military Service


  1. it aims to strengthen national defense

  2. it teaches young men discipline

  3. it builds character and physical fitness

  4. it teaches valuable skills

  5. it nurtures a spirit of comradeship an equality

  6. it offers opportunities for overseas travel

  7. it exists in many countries (e.g., Switzerland, Singapore)

  8. it reduces unemployment

  9. it instills a sense of patriotism


  1. it is unnecessary in view of today' s professional armies

  2. it is a step away from peace

  3. some countries have abolished it (e. g., the U.S., Japan)

  4. today' s armies do not need unskilled manpower

  5. it interrupts young men' s studies and careers

  6. it is a useless experience

  7. it is a source of slave labor

  8. it results in bullying and conformity

  9. it does not build character

  10.it can cause mental disorders

  11.military skills are useless in private industry

  Q. Voluntary Euthanasia


  1. it is a basic right-the right to die

  2. the Greek origin of the word euthanasia means "good death "

  3. it allows one to die with dignity

  4. it allows one to choose the time and place of death

  5. it is logical and humane

  6. it can be regulated with safeguards (e.g., the person must be rationally lucid)

  7. it is painless

  8. it is the solution to a terminal illness with suffering

  9. the dying want it

  10.some doctors will assist the patient to end his life

  11.it recognizes death as a natural, biological process

  12.doctor-assisted suicide is legal in Holland, under certain guidelines


  1. it is murder or suicide

  2. it is illegal in most countries

  3. most doctors oppose it

  4. it is a first step to killing the old and infirm

  5. it is irreversible in the event of a new cure

  6. only God can end a life

  7. most religions oppose it

  8. suicide is always irrational

  9. the dying are too sick to know what they want

  10.the dying should look to hospices that dispense painkillers

  11.it can be abused by greedy persons seeking an inheritance

  R. Capital Punishment


  1. it frightens would-be criminals (acts as a deterrent


  2. it serves as a just reward for killers

  3. it lowers crime rates

  4. it is more economical than a life sentence (saves the state money)

  5. in rare cases it may lead to the death of an innocent person, but this cannot be helped

  6. most countries practice it

  7. killers should not be allowed to become hero-figures

  8. a life sentence is never for life but for only a few years

  9. killers are heartless and cruel and should not be protected by sociologists


  1. it frightens no one

  2. it is motivated by revenge and not justice

  3. it does not lower crime rates

  4. it can lead to the death of an innocent person (a mistake)

  5. it is a barbaric practice (hanging, electric chairs, gas chambers)

  6. it is unjust because only God can take away life

  7. the real solution to crime is the elimination of social injustices and rehabilitation

  8. killers are often mentally ill and in need of medical treatment

  9. the death penalty is being abandoned by many countries

  S. Trade Protectionism


  1. industries need government protection

  2. no nation can allow its industries to be destroyed

  3. agriculture must be protected for national security reasons

  4. real free trade doesn’t exist and never has

  5. national security is more important than idealistic trade principles

  6. it has made Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan prosperous

  7. every nation ' s economy is shaped by its own culture

  8. there are various forms of free-market economy

  9. every nation should have an industrial policy

  10.governments must provide jobs for their workers by whatever means


  1. it invites retaliation

  2. it invites reciprocity based on a quid pro quo basis

  3. it impedes world trade and prosperity

  4. it hurts poor, underdeveloped countries

  5. it leads to trade wars

  6. it makes industries less competitive

  7. it costs taxpayers large sums of money

  8. it gives consumers less choice

  9. it is denounced by most nations

  10.it is based not just on high tariffs but also on government regulations, inspections, certification, and distribution

  T. Nuclear Power


  1. it provides huge amounts of energy from small amounts

   of fuel

  2. it is the best source of energy for countries without oil

  3. the world' s supply of oil will be exhausted in 90 years

  4. it already produces most of the energy needs of some countries

  5. it could supply all the world' s electricity for millions of years if fully developed

  6. it is safe if properly supervised

  7. nuclear power plants create less air pollution than fossil-fuel power plants

  8. the issue has become far too emotional


  1. it is too dangerous (e.g., Chernobyl accident)

  2. most people are afraid of it

  3. the world' s supply of uranium is fast decreasing

  4. it is better to develop other sources of energy (e.g., fusion)

  5. radioactive wastes cannot be disposed of

  6. it can produce nuclear weapons for warfare

  7. certain radical world leaders are trying to buy nuclear weapons

  8. nuclear plants are expensive to build

  9. the U.S. is slowly closing down its nuclear power plants

  10.nuclear wastes can cause cancer

  U. Library: Computer V.S. Books



  1) Efficiency

  2) Large storage capacity

  3) Multimedia attraction

  4) Management

  5) Sharing information

  6) Network or Internet

  7) Rapid updating


  1) Harmful Radiation

  2) Need basic knowledge to operate

  3) Not easy to carry

  4) Need consumption of energy.



  1) Traditional medium

  2) Easy to carry

  3) Conveniently read

  4) index of academic environment


  1) Not durable

  2) Low rate of updating

  3) Can't be shared by any people

  V. University: library V.S. Physical training facilities



  1) Major goal to impart knowledge to students

  2) Index of academic environment

  3) Attract more excellent professors

  Physical Training:


  1) Help to improve one's health which is basis of study

  2) Students learn to be cooperative

  3) Provide relaxation

  4) May produce good athletes

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