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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.2

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 18:30  新浪教育

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:11 what part of china do you live?

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:12 shanghai, have you ever heard of?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:12 yes i have, it is busy there yes?

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:13 it's ok, not as busy as you think, a little bit busy in the downtown.(不象你想的那么繁忙,除了市中心外)

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:14 i have heard of it i have not been there yet but maybe some day.

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:16 u should do, how many cities here in China are in your memory besides shanghai? (试探一下这女子对中国了解多少)if some day you really can be here , you can come to see me , i am just someone who have graduated from college a year ago(我刚毕业一年)(又是一句客套话,百听不厌,所以我们要百说不断)

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:19 peking,chungking,tientsin,hong kong(北京,重庆,天津,香港,这个Nikky还真知道不少中国城市,拼写有点怪), and I appreciated your kindness.

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:20 well, what is impressive to me is u know a lot of Chinese cities beyond my imagination , you surely know one thing or two (对…非常了解)about China and Chinese people , right?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:22 yes i like to learn about other cultures.

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:23 it is immediately apparent that you are the only foreign people I know who knows such a lot of cities in China,swheresdo you live, not the states again!(告诉我确切的地方,不要再说你住在美国了。口语中通常可用"States"直接表示"美国")

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:24 i live in new york city

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:26 i don't have any idea about the big apple city(纽约又称为"大苹果城").

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:27 it's crowded(拥挤)

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:27 traffic jam?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 13:28 no ,people

  Brian:(01-8-29) 13:33 here in shanghai, a lot of people and a lot of cars, both, shanghai has become one of the most desirable places for people not only Chinese but kind of increasingly foreign people to live too.(上海已经成为中国人最令人向往的城市之一,对外国人也不例外)



  What part of China/America do u live?(最简单的一句话,你一定会用!)

  How many cities here in China are in your memory besides……?

  Shanghai/Beijing/Shenzhen has become one of the most desirable places for the Chinese people to live

  If some day you really can be here , you can come to see me(很好的邀请,尽管你知道她不可能来!)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.3(2002/01/22/ 18:38)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.4(2002/01/22/ 18:34)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§1.1(2002/01/22/ 18:33)
关于Nikky(2002/01/22/ 18:16)
关于Brain(2002/01/22/ 18:10)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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