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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > TOEFL语法指南--并列连词

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/25 11:40  福来得


  1.并列连词and but or混淆

  解题要点这类题型主要分面布在written Expression (16-40题中)当A、B、C、D四项选择中出现单独的and或but或or时,它通常就是此题的焦点,应根据句意判断此连词是否用错。


  (1) Harvesting of grains is affected by annual changes in temperature or in the amount of moisture, but both. (90.1)

  [答案] D根据句意,这里并无转折关系。因此but应改为or。

  (2) Porcelain is not a single clay, and a compound of kaolin. Ball clay, feldspar. And silica. (91.1)

  [答案] C此句表达的是一个取舍关系,and应改为but.“not…but”是表达转折,到舍含义的固定并列连词搭配。

  3. The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly comples for single-celled artimals.

  [答案] A根据句中复数谓语动词are来判断,连词or是错误,它表述的概含是两项之一,应用单数第三人称动词。固而or应改为and。

  (4) Cayenne popper comes from the seedpot of the pepper plant which is dried or then ground.

  [答案] D根据提示词then,我们可以判断dried和ground (grind的过去分词,碾碎)是顺序先后的两个动作,并非取舍选择关系。固此or应改为and。


  both…and as…as

  not only…but also not so…as

  either…or the same…as


  so…that to…to常与so…that




  (1) In meteorology. Either formation of clouds and the oreciporddidon of dew rain and snow are known as condensation (93.1)

  [答案] A either改为both,组成both…and词组

  (2) The survival of a forest depends not only on amount of annual rainfall it receives. And also on the seasonal distribution of the rain.

  [答案] C and改为but,组成not only…but also词组

  (3) Lucretia Mott*s influence was too significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United State. (91.1)

  [答案] A too改为so,组成so…that结构。

  (4) The gorilla, not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem. (90.5)

  [答案] B than改为as,组成not as…as结构。

  (5) Some linguious believe that the earliest languages were no less complex as modern languages (94.5)

  [答案] D as改为than,组成“比较级…than”的句型。

  (6) Whether as statesman, scientist, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin was destined to gain lasting honor throughout much of the world. (92.5)

  [答案] A and改为or,组成whether…or的结构。

  (7) Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longer bills. (89.5)

  [答案] B than改为as,组成the same…as的结构。

  (8) Nature not only gave the Middle Atlantic fine harbors, however endowed it with a first-class system of inland waterways. (91.1)

  [答案] C however改为but also,组成not only…but also结构。

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