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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Private sector grows fast in Shanghai

Private sector grows fast in Shanghai
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/31 11:49  解放日报

  The total registered capital of private enterprises in Shanghai has amounted to 181.28billion yuan (US.8billion),according to sources with the local taxation department.The number of private enterprises in Shanghai had reached 176,000by the end of 2001,82of which have registered capital of more than 100million yuan each.

  In 2001,the private enterprises in Shanghai delivered a total of 9.895billion yuan in tax to the state,an increase of 63.88percent over 2000,and made up 9.13percent of Shanghai's annual tax income.

  The municipal government has adopted a series of policies to direct the development of private enterprises in recent years,resulting in the inflow of capital and professionals to the city.




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