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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/01 17:18  福来得学校

  形容词TOEEL考题中非常活跃的词类,出现频率很高,而且题型变化多样。有关形容词的题目几乎全部集中在Written Expression (15-40)中,只有极小量有关形容词词序的命题出现在Structure (1-15题)中。形容词的命题焦点集中在(1)形容词与副词混淆(详见本书要点之[词类变化])、(2)并列结构中的形容词词性统一问题,(详见本书要点之[平行结构])(3)形容词比较级形式,(4)易混淆的形容词






  (1) The most safest way to watch a solar eclipse is for one to look at it in a murror while wearing dark glasses. (93.1)

  [答案] A删除. Most。

  (2) The Moon. Being much more nearer to the Earth than the Sun is the principal cause of the tides. (91.1)

  [答案] B删除more。

  (3) 1930*s began in the United States and spread abroad. (92.5)

  [答案]删除most .

  (4) Columns may be circular or polygonal in cross section and are generally at least four times more taller than they are wide. (90.5)

  [答案] D删除D




  (1) Although shrilly Tackson is fiction often dealt with frightening exjperienas ,she also wroth auto biographical. Descriptions humorous of her life in a small Vermont town . (94.5)

  [答案] C正确词序为humorous desuiptions。

  (2) Most cities major in the United States have at least one daily newspaper. (92.8)

  [答案] A正确词序为major cities.

  (3) The primary function of a sonometer is to calculate and demonstrate the relations mathematical of melodious tones. (91.1)

  [答案] B正确词序为straight line。



  high (形)- height (名) long (形)- length (名)

  deep (形)-depth (名) strong (形)-strength (名)

  heathy (形)-health(名) humid (形)-humidity (名)

  moist (形)-moisture (名)


  (1) Colorfastness. Durability, and resistance to moisture make mosaic a practical form of architectural decoration in the warm and humidity areas of the Mediterranean basin. (94.1)

  [答案] C改为humid

  (2) A flight recorder shows aircraft systems behave by giving information such as a plane*s high, direction, and rate of descent. (92.1)

  [答案] C high改为height。

  (3) For centuries waterwheels were the only sources of power aside from human and animal strong. (90.10)

  [答案] D strong改为strength。

  (4) The type precipitation is affected by electrical conditions, air temperature, and the percentage of humid in the air. (92.1)

  [答案] C humid改为humidify。

  (5) The Canadian province of New found land has a rocky coast, a moisture climate, and probably the best cod-fishing areas in the world. (95.1)

  [答案] C moisture改为moist

  6. Many与much ,alike与like(介)的区别

  解题要点many修饰可数复数名词,much修饰不可数单数名词。Alike是形容词,而like是介词。当A、B、C、D四个选择答案出现many或much, alike或like,它通常就是此题的命题点,应首先考虑。这类题型在TOEEL试题中占很大的比例。


  (1) Alike a chicken the grouse has four toes. With the hind one raised above the ground. (93.1)

  [答案] A Alike是形容词,通常作表语,此句应用介词like。

  (2) Many of society*s wealth is controlled by large corporations and government gencies (93.1)

  [答案] A修饰不可数名词wealth应用much。

  (3) Data received from two spacecraft indicate that there is many evidence that huge thunderstorms are now occurring around the equator of the planes Saturn. (90.10)

  [答案] B evidence为不可数名词,前面应用much来修饰。

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