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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 完形填空--发明创造

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/04 09:38  世博英语

  One of the strangest things about invention is that many are made not once, but several times–usually in various countries but within the space of a few years. It seems that ___[all of a sudden/ all of sudden/ all of the sudden/ all of any sudden] some great idea is“in the air”, and people ____[in/ with/ by/ of] inventive minds begin to ____[work out/ work with/ work on/ work up] it, perhaps without knowing that somebody else _____[have/ had/ has/ would have] already been exploring and experimenting on just the same lines. But ____[only/ at/ for/ just] once did it happen that an invention was made ___[once/ twice/ several times/ many tines] in the same year with equal success, ___two men who worked only sixty miles apart from each other ____[with/ without/ besides/ for] even knowing of each other’s ___[existence/ extent/ expense/ expert]–and without even meeting each other throughout their lives! Their invention was one that ___[has shaped/ has made/ had shaped/ had made] our everyday lives more than any other: the motor-car.

  答案:1. all of a sudden (突然)


  3.work out

  4. has

  5. only(倒装)


  7. by

  8. without


  10. has shaped

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