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Brain Reacts Differently to Faces Based on Race
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/06 18:03  《英语学习》

  People have been found to remember faces of their own race better than they remember faces of other races. Now researchers have uncovered the changes in the brain that underlie that phenomenon. Dr. Jennifer L. Eberhardt and colleagues from Stanford University asked 19 men—9 black and 10 white—to look at pictures of faces of people from both races while they monitored participants?brain activity with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The investigators found that when the study participants looked at faces matching their own race, a specific area of the brain "lit up" on the MRI. But when they looked at pictures of faces of another race, the brain area did not activate to the same degree, according to the report in the Nature Neuroscience. The part of the brain is called the fusiform region. "It is an area that is activated when someone looks at a face, but not while they look at other objects or even other parts of the body. It is also activated when a person looks at an object about which they are an expert",?Eberhardt explained, noting that a bird watcher's fusiform region might be activated if he looks at a bird.




美景何如美食(2002/02/06/ 17:26)
《英语学习》2002年1期 专题



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