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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 16:20  《英语学习》

  By Dan Yergin -国华 树春译注

  One key question for the next century is how we provide energy in an environmentally sound<注1> way. As living standards rise in the developing world,<注2> energy consumption will   increase. As a result, many countries are now opening the door for private investment<注3> in a sector<注4> that used once to be solely the preserve<注5> of government.<注6>

  In the developed world too, the move<注7> is towards the deregulation<注8> and privatisation of electricity generation<注9> and distribution. There is also a trend towards locally-generated energy,<注10> particularly in the developing world. Factories and shopping centres may one day have their own power<注11> sources.

  Progress is also being made in minimising the environmental impact<注12> of energy production and consumption. A motor car<注13> today puts out<注14> perhaps 5 per cent of the pollution a new car did in 1970. We can produce clean power<注15> too—but it costs,<注16> so in the new millennium we're to some extent going to have the environment we can afford.<注17>

  The spectre<注18> of scarce or impossibly<注19> expensive energy is no longer with us,<注20> thanks to a combination of<注21> opening up<注22> new regions of the world and new technologies. Shortage<注23> is very unlikely. Environmental considerations mean there is a seriousness too about<注24> alternative energy sources<注25> that wasn't there<注26> ten years ago.

  Right now the fuel cell<注27> is at the top of the list of alternative<注28> technologies.

  Advances in turbine transportation<注29> mean that natural gas is going to have an ever-increasing<注30> role. Nuclear power<注31> may prove competitive enough to have a much longer life<注32> than many expect, but until there's a major change in public sentiment,<注33> I don't expect to see much new nuclear construction.<注34>

  Will the grip of oil on<注35> personal transportation<注36> continue? Sports utility vehicles<注37> like Land Rovers<注38> and jeeps are hardly the perfect<注39> means of urban transport.<注40> But people have become very attached to<注41> their automobiles. So until we get around to<注42> technologyswhereswe beam ourselves around,<注43> I suspect we'll continue to have them.<注44> Some may be electric;<注45> others could run on cleaner oil-based fuel or natural gas.

  One area which is certainly not clear is the impact of the internet on transport. On the one hand, you<注46> will be able to accomplish by sitting in front of a screen<注47> what you used to have to go to the airport for,<注48> on the other, increased knowledge may well fuel<注49> a rising demand for travel. We are only at the beginning of a revolution that is already being called a bigger revolution than the internal combustion engine.<注50>

  Clearly, everything will become more global.<注51> National borders no longer offer protection for national companies and Europe's single market means increasing competition across the continent-not least<注52> between energy companies.

  Socially, too, we're seeing the advent<注53> of what is already being dubbed "globality"<注54>—the 24-hour,<注55> hyperactive,<注56> interconnected, e-mail-fuelled,<注57> sleep-deprived<注58> world of the new millennium.

  The energy business<注59> operates on such long time-horizons<注60> that the impact of decisions made today may not be felt for twenty years. And the one sure thing we do know is that in even twenty years time the world will be a very different place.(From CAM: Cambridge Alumni Magazine, No. 28, 1999)











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《英语学习》2002年1期 专题


1.environmentally sound: environmentally直译是“在环境方面”,这里实际指的是“环保”;
sound的意思是sensible and likely to produce the right results(见Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 1995),因此这里可以译成“有利于环保的”。

2.world: 这里以及下一段里developed world中的world最好都译为“国家”。

3.investment: 这里可以译成“投资者”,以与“政府”形成对照。

4.a sector: 这里指能源领域。

5.preserve: 领地/地盘。这里可译为“只有……才有权开发的领域”。

6.many...government: 这句话按原文的句法结构来译,会很别扭,不如在译文中添补出“允许”和“开发经营”的意思,译成“许多……敞开大门,允许他们开发经营……”。

7.move: 这里的move和下一句的trend一样,都是“发展趋势”的意思。

8.deregulation: 这里的意思是“取消国家管制”。

9.electricity generation: 通常译为“发电”,这里为了与后面的distribution对应,可将generation译成“生产”。

energy: 直译是“本地生产的能源”,由于这句话的主语是“趋势”,以“……能源”作为宾语不太恰当,因此最好将之转成“能源生产的本地化”。

11.power: 这是个多义词,当说到家里或工厂里的power时,实际指的就是“电”。

12.environmental impact: 对环境的影响。

13.motor car: 在英国英语里这是car的正式叫法,相当于汉语的“小轿车”。

14.puts out: 排放。

15.power: 这里是“动力”的意思。

16.costs: 这里的意思是costs too much money(代价太高)。

17.we can afford: 从上下文看,这里隐含有only的意思,译文应该补出来。

18.spectre: 这个词的本义是“幽灵”,引申义是“令人担忧的事物”或“对……的担忧”。

19.impossibly: 字面意思是“不可能”,这里作为expensive的修饰语,应译为“极度”。

20.The spectre...with us: “对……的担忧不再和我们在一起”也就是“我们不再担心……”。

21.a combination of...: 这里“加在一起”的意思有些多余,可以不译。

22.opening up: 开发。

23.shortage: 这里指“能源短缺”。

about...: 直译是“对环境的考虑意味着对……有了严肃认真的态度”。换句话说也就是“出于对环境的考虑,人们对……的态度也变得认真起来”。

25.alternative energy sources: 替代性能源。指太阳能、风能、地热、潮汐等。

26.that wasn't there: 注意that修饰的是seriousness,不是energy sources。that wasn't there的字面意思是“没有/不存在”。“对可替代性能源的认真态度不存在”也就是说“人们根本不拿它当回事”。

27.fuel cell: 燃料电池。这种电池可不断将一种燃料(如氢)的化学能直接转变为电能。

28.alternative: 根据上下文,这里的“替代性”实际就是“替代性能源”。

transportation: 涡轮运输。

30.ever-increasing: 越来越重要的。

31.Nuclear power: 核电。

32.have...life: “有一个比……长得多的寿命”也就是“寿命比……长得多”。这里的意思是“并不像许多人预料的那样会很快被淘汰”。

33.public sentiment:“公众的态度”,也就是“公众对核电站所持的反对态度”。

34.new nuclear
construction: 这里的意思是 “建设新的核电站”。

35.the grip of oil

transportation: 从上下文看,这里可以理解为“个人交通工具”。

37.sports utility
vehicles: 跑车性质的多用途车。根据上下文,可以具体译成“跑车性质的多用途越野车”。

38.Land Rovers: 陆虎。英国造的一种类似吉普的越野车。

39.hardly the perfect: 很难称得上是理想的。这里的perfect相当于ideal。

40.transport: 交通。美国用transportation。

41.attached to...: 依恋……。

42.get around to: 终于到达。根据上下文,这里可以灵活译为“发展出”或“获得”。

43.technology...around: 指科幻片《星球大战》里出现的那种把人分解成基因,把基因编成代码,再用光电波把代码从一个地方传输到另一个地方,最后把代码还原成人的技术。这里可以译成“可以把我们传来传去的光电传输技术”。

44.have them: 这里have是“使用”的意思;them指“汽车”。直译“拥有它们”虽然意思不错,但听起来是翻译腔。

45.electric: 这里不是“电的”,而是“电动的”。

46.you: 这里的you是泛指,不能译成“你”或“你们”。汉语表示泛指往往可以不要主语。

47.screen: 这里指“电脑屏幕”。

48.what...for: 过去不得不靠乘飞机才能去做的事情。
go to the airport是要去坐飞机,这里如果按字面意思译成“去机场”,容易引起误解。

49.fuel: 字面意思是“加油”,引申意思是 “促进”。

50.a...engine: 直译“一场比内燃机更大的革命”听起来搭配不恰当,不如译成“这场革命已被视为比内燃机的发明意义更重大”。

51.global: 这里不是“全球的”而是“全球化”。

52.not least: 特别是。

53.advent: 降临。

54.globality: 这是个新造的词,词典里没有,根据上下文意思,似可译成“全球时代”。

55.24-hour: “24小时”也就是“不分昼夜”。

56.hyperactive: 这个词如用来形容儿童,意思是“有多动症的”;这里形容的是世界,意思应当是“极度活跃的”。

57.e-mail-fuelled: 由电子邮件驱动的。

58.sleep-deprived: 剥夺了睡眠的。

59.the energy business: 能源业。

60.time-horizons: 这里的意思相当于time frame(时间范围)或time span(时间跨度)。


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