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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/08 15:17  《英语学习》


  Cyberphobia is a term used to describe the feelings of anxiety, frustration, and inadequacy many people have when attempting to use the Internet.

  What causes these emotions? Cyberspace is expanding so fast that people hear about it everywhere and fear that they are going to be left behind by those who are more Internet savvy. <注2>

  One place people who cannot yet manage to boot up<注3> their computers can turn to for help is bookstores. There, Net neophytes can select from thousands of hardback and softcover Internet-related publications, such as The ABCs of the Internet, Zen and the Art of the Internet, or Internet for Dummies. <注4>

  Back in the early days of the Internet, things were even more complicated than they are today. Then, Net surfers had to be familiar with such technologies as file transfer protocol (FTP), Internet Relay Chat, Unix programming, Gopher, and Archie. <注5> The World Wide Web and its graphical user interface (GUI) <注6> has made the exploration of cyberspace much easier.

  With the Internet easier to use than ever, why the rise in cyberphobia? The reason is the spread of the Internet has induced more non-techies<注7>to use it. Some people are touching a computer for the first time when they try to log onto the Internet.

  The good news is, once one gets the hang of<注8> basic Net navigation, there is a huge amount of free information on how to trek through<注9> cyberspace more efficiently and effectively.

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《英语学习》2002年1期 专题


1. cyberphobic: 网络恐惧症患者,phobic表示“……恐惧症患者”。

2. savvy: 具有实际知识的,有经验的。

3. boot up: 启动。

4. neophyte: 初学者,新手
Zen: 禅
dummy: <口>笨人,傻瓜。

5. FTP: 此处是指应用文件传输协议实现文件传输的软件的名称
Internet Relay Chat: 多用户现场会话机制
Unix Programming: Unix操作系统,提供多用户、多任务的操作环境,其网络工具使得计算机远程通讯、并行处理、资源分配等有了广阔的应用前景
Gopher: 黄鼠工具,是许多图书馆在因特网上使用的一种卡片索引程序(因1991年初在明尼苏达大学首创,而黄鼠恰为该校吉祥物,故名)
Archie: 阿奇工具,因特网上一种提供查找其标题满足特定条件的所有文档的自动搜索服务的工具。

6. GUI: 图形用户界面。

7. non-techie: 非专业人士。
techie指 “计算机技术人员,计算机迷”。

8. get the hang of: <口>掌握……的窍门,熟悉……的用法(或做法)。

9. trek through: 遨游于(网络空间)。


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