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Judge with Toss of a Coin
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/22 09:17  新快报

  A US judge has come under attack for tossing a coin to decideswheresa divorced couple's children would spend Christmas.

  The children's grandfather, Norman Bresinski, has threatened to file a judicial misconduct complaint against Michigan Judge Helen Brown. Judge Brown, has refused to discuss the incident but her boss criticised the move.

  Mr Besinski said: "In 22 years of being in local, state and federal courts, I've never seen anything like this," said Bresinski, a former police sergeant. "She has made a mockery of the judicial process."

  Wayne County Circuit Co-Chief Judge Mary Beth Kelly said: "Tossing a coin to resolve a parenting time dispute is unacceptable." She said it displayed a lack of sensitivity to the seriousness of the process.

  The coin toss determined that Bresinski's granddaughters would spend Christmas with their father, not their grandparents, who had custody of the girls at the tim








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