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A Man Want to Make Cannabis Cafe
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/01 08:11  新快报

  A would-be cannabis cafe owner says he wants to employ pensioners to grow the drug and roll joints.

  Jeffrey Ditchfield says he's planning to open a Dutch-style coffee shop in Rhyl.

  He says pensioners could make£3,000 a year while working as they watch the TV at home.

  Mr Ditchfield, 41, told the Rhyl Journal: "Pensioners would be ideal growers and suppliers for the coffee shop. Those who had to give up a large garden when they retired could continue their hobby indoors."

  "I also want to sell ready-rolled joints and this would be a good source of income for pensioners who do not want to grow cannabis. They would be supplied with the ingredients and the papers and could roll the joints while they are watching Coronation Street or Emmerdale." He says he''d supply them with all the necessary equipment.

  Deputy mayor Councillor Glyn Williams said: "Using pensioners to grow cannabis beggars belief. It is really sad he is canvassing in this way." North Wales Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom has already warned that a cannabis cafe would be illegal and says the law would be enforced.








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