定义分两种:一种是所谓简单的定义(simple definition),也就是一般字典里所用的,以一个同义词(synonym)或简单的词句来解释某一个字的意思。以一句话来解释的方法往往牵涉两个步骤:分类(classification)与区别(differentiation)。
另一种定义是详细的定义(extended definition),通常用来说明抽象的观念。这种定义和简单定义不同,没有任何固定的格式或步骤,完全由作者自由发挥。在这种情况下,作者可以利用说明文的任何方法或技巧,如举例、分类、比较、分析等等来帮助达到目的。详细定义可以是一个段落,一整篇文章,甚至于一整本书。
<范文> The Spirit of Liberty
We have gathered here to affirm (1) a faith (2), a faith in a common (3) purpose, a common conviction (4), a common devotion (5). Some of us have chosen America as the land of our adoption(6); the rest have come from those who did the same. For this reason we have some right to consider our-selves a picked group, asgroupsof those who had the courage to break from the past and brave the dangers and the loneliness of a strange land.
What was the object that nerved(7) us, or those who went before us, to this choice? We sought liberty(8); freedom(9) from oppression(10) freedom from want(11), freedom to be ourselves. This we then sought. This we now believe that we are by way of winning.
What do we mean when we say that first of all we seek liberty? I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions(12), upon laws and upon courts(13).These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lives in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. No constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lives there, it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it.
And what is this liberty which must live in the hearts of men and women? It is not the ruthless(14) the unbridled (15) will. It is not freedom to do as one likes. That is the denial of liberty, and leads straight to its overthrow(16). A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom, soon be-comes a societyswheresfreedom is the possession of only a few; savages (17) as we have learned to our sorrow.
What then is the spirit of liberty?. I cannot define(18) it; I can only tell you my own faith. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs(19) their interests alongside its own without bias(20). The spirit of liberty remembers that not even a spar-row(21) falls to earth unheeded. (22) The spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him, who, near 2,000 years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdomswheresthe least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
And now in that spirit, that spirit of America which has never been, and which may never be; and, which never will be, except as the conscience and the courage of Americans create it; yet in the spirit of that America which lies hidden in some form in the aspirations(23) of us all; in the spirit of that America for which our young men are at this moment fighting and dying; in that spirit of liberty and of America I ask you to rise and with me to pledge(24) our faith in the glorious destiny(25) of our beloved country: "I pledge allegiance(26) to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands--one nation indivisible(27), with liberty and justice(28) for a11.
自由的精神—文为定义法的说明文。对—个概念下定义必须有正确的函义与清晰的语言,不可含混其词,并且应具有知识性的客观判断,尽量减少感情上的主观判断。但是,本文则相反,正是感情上的主观语调甚过知识性的客观语调,并重复其感情上主观概念的重要性。虽然如此,却并不过份,其言词可谓适当而具信服力。因此,本文是定义式说明文中独具风格的范例。本文作者韩德法官(Justice Learned Hand,1872—1961)为美国巡回法庭法官,对美国自由民主作过许多有份量的演说,其演讲稿以此篇篇名为书名于1925年短集成册,广为发行。他的另一讲稿[民权法案](Bill of Rights)印行于1958年。