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Humans Doomed Without Space Colonies?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/05 13:07  《英语学习》

  The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space, top British scientist Stephen Hawking warned.“I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet,”Hawking told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper. Hawking, Lucasian professor<注1> of mathematics at Cambridge University in England, said Armageddon<注2> threatened not in the form of a nuclear holocaust but could arrive in a more insidious and invisible form,“In the long term, I am more worried about biology. Nuclear weapons need large facilities, but genetic engineering can be done in a small lab. You can't regulate every lab in the world.”Hawking, a leading theoretical physicists who hit the best-seller lists with his book A Brief History of Time, said the chances of humanity pulling through looked good.“I am an optimist. We will reach out to the stars,”he said.




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《英语学习》2002年2期 专题


1. 1663年,Henry Lucas出资在剑桥创立了卢卡逊讲座,讲授自然科学知识,包括地理、物理、天文和数学等课程。包括牛顿和狄拉克在内的17位知名科学家先后担任了卢卡逊教授职务。霍金于1980年始担任此项职务至今。

2. Armageddon:(基督教《圣经》中所说的)哈米吉多顿(世界末日善恶的决战场);善恶大决战。


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