GMAT写作黄金句型(1) | 2002/03/05 22:23 新东方教育在线 |
孙远博士,副教授,留美学者,长期从事英语教学,对英文写作尤有专攻。在国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文30多篇,出版学术著作两部,译著一部。在新东方主讲GMAT写作、GRE专项写作和TOEFL专项写作。主编《GMAT写作》、《GRE写作》和《TOEFL写作宝典》。“多背优美的英文篇章。我们学习汉语写作是从背诵开始的,这一点不言而喻。对于学习英语写作来说,背诵就更加重要了。不下苦功夫在上文所说的阅读的基础上背诵数百篇的优秀篇章,英文思维能力就不可能培养起来;而不能用英语进行思维就无法超越翻译式的写作阶段,也就永远不可能真正用英语进行创造性的写作,即创作。”在网络课堂中,名师孙远将为你提供更多的写作模式和套路。 课堂笔记: 逻辑问题分析论证句式:1.The mere fact that…is insufficient evidence to conclude that… 2.It is possible that… 3.The argument fails to rule out the possibility that…as well as… 4.The argument simply equates…with…, which is unwarranted. 5.Common sense tells us that… 6.While this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that… 7.One can infer from the survey’s results that… 8.Lacking more specific information about…, it is impossible to asses…to make an informed recommendation. 9.It is unlikely that… 10.If so, even though…, the author’s argument that…would be seriously weakened. 11.However, this is not necessarily the case. 12.Without knowing…, we cannot accept the author’s conclusion. 13.Consequently, unless the author can demonstrate that…, the author’s concern about these issues is unfounded. 14.But no evidence is provided to show that this explanation is correct. 15.In the first place, a great deal of empirical evidence shows that… 16.However, unless…,there is a good chance…17.The author unfairly trivializes… 18.Given that…, the prediction about…is still in lack of solid ground. 19.Comprehensive analysis is necessary to identify the actual cause(s) of… 20.The statistics offered…warrants only the conclusion that… 21.Therefore, any decision aimed at addressing the problem of…must be based on more thorough investigation to gather sufficient data in order to narrow down and locate the actual cause(s) of the problem. 22.There is also the possibility that… 23.From the survey quoted in the argument, however, we find no sign of such procedures for random sampling, and have good reason to doubt if the sample is representative enough to reflect… 24.If this will be the case,…not necessarily mean… 25.Without further investigation any claims made about…are doubtful… 摘自《写作宝典》(孙远) |
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