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Beckham Plays For Rival Cola Teams
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/13 08:46  新快报

  David Beckham is reportedly at the centre of a war between the world's leading manufacturers of cola.

  The Manchester United midfielder has been made the star of Coca-Cola's World Cup campaign - but is also featuring in an advertisement for rivals Pepsi at the same time.

  Coca-Cola is able to use the 26-year-old footballer, despite his contract to market Pepsi, because of the drinks giant''s multi-million pound sponsorship of the England football team, says The Sun.

  Andrew Coker, of Coca-Cola, told the newspaper it was "marvellous" to be able to feature Beckham on the special-edition bottle.

  But Pepsi, whose latest ad depicts Beckham taking on a team of Japanese sumo wrestlers, said they would be making legal checks about the development. Beckham is reported to earn£1 million-a-year to advertise their brand.

  The new Coca-Cola bottles, which promote this summer's competition in Japan and South Korea, will feature Beckham's Old Trafford teammate Paul Scholes and Liverpool youngster Steven Gerrard, the paper said.








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