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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > GRE、GMAT、LSAT三大考试推理题差异分析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/26 10:52  新东方教育在线


  申请美国大学研究生院所要求的三大标准化考试——GRE、GMAT和LSAT中,很重要的一部分就是逻辑推理。在GRE与LSAT考试中,逻辑推理作为Logical Reasoning出现;在GMAT考试中,作为Critical Reasoning出现,尽管这三类考试的逻辑部分在出题背景、问题目的类型及阅读要求方面有些差异,但整个逻辑推理的思维却无任何差异。这三类考试的逻辑问题分布情况如下表所示:

  Summary of Logic Question Distributions

         Numbers of    Minutes     Questions   Arrangement

         Logic Sections Per Section Per Section of Questions GRE cat    1          60       35  21-25 Analytical

                                 10-14 Logical LSAT      3          35     24-26  1 sect.Analytical

                                 2 sect.AnalyticalGMAT cat    1          75      41  14 Critical

         Part combined                14 Analytical

         verbal                    interspersed with

                                 other verbal




  A recent study of an insurance company’s underwriters indicated that those who worked in pleasant physical surroundings were 25 percent more productive than their peers in unpleasant physical surroundings. Objective criteria for evaluating job performance included caseload and complexity of cases. This shows that improving workers’environments increases those workers’productivity.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?

  (A) One average, less-productive employees spend no fewer hours per day at their workstations than do their more productive peers.

  (B) Unpleasant surroundings give employees less motivation to work hard than more pleasant surroundings do.

  (C) The more-productive employees are generally rewarded with pleasant office space.

  (D) More-productive employees do not work any more hours than their less-productive peers.

  (E) Peer pressure discourages employees in crowded, unpleasant surroundings from making phone calls to their own family members during work time.








  解析:段落推理是由一项研究的结果:“处于令人舒适的工作环境中的雇员比处于不大舒适的工作环境中的同事的效率要高25%”,就得出结论:“改善工人的工作环境能提高他们的效率”。但此研究结果中涉及的效率高与工作环境好二者之间谁并不知道,就由此研究得出结论说“工作环境好导致效率高”。本题是典型的Weaken,重点在于Weaken结论,那么选项(C)表明,效率高导致了工作环境好,与推理的结论明显冲突。因此(C)正确。(A)、(D)讲述的是效率低的雇员与效率高的雇员的相同点,不可能起到Weaken作用;(B)起到部分支持作用;(E)涉及新概念making phone calls,因此为无关选项。


  A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immunesystem activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease. The researcher’s conclusion would be most seriously weakened if it were true that

  (A) there was a one-year delay between the completion of a pilot study for the experiment and the initiation of the experiment itself

  (B) people’s levels of immune-system activity are not affected by their use of medications

  (C) a few people with high immune-system activity had scores on the test of mental health that were similar to the scores of people who had normal immune-system activity

  (D) people who have low immune-system activity tend to contract more viral infections than do people with normal or high immune-system activity

  (E) high levels of stress first cause mental illness and then cause decreased immune-system activity in normal individuals











  Doctors in Britain have long suspected that patients who wear tinted eyeglasses are abnormally prone to depression and hypochondria. Psychological tests given there to hospital patients admitted for physical complaints like heart6 pain and digestive distress confirmed such a relationship. Perhaps people whose relationship to the world is psychologically painful choose such glasses to reduce visual stimulation, which is perceived as irritating. At any rate, it can be concluded that when such glasses are worn, it is because the wearer has a tendency to be depressed or hypochondriacal.

  The argument assumes which one of the following?

  (A) Depression is not caused in some cases by an organic condition of the body.

  (B) Wearers do not think of the tinted glasses as a means of distancing themselves from other people.

  (C) Depression can have many causes, including actual conditions about which it is reasonable for anyone to be depressed.

  (D) For hypochondriacs wearing tinted glasses, the glasses serve as a visual signal to others that the wearer’s health is delicate. (E) The tinted glasses does not dim light to the eye enough to depress the wearer’s mood substantially.








  解析:本题为假设,重点看前提与结论。因此读题重点放在段落最后一句。通过读段落最后一句,我们发现,存在现象A1----戴墨镜与现象A2---这些戴墨镜者易压抑消沉,我们并不知道是A1导致A2,还是A2导致A1,段落就得出结论说是A2导致A1,那么必然性要基于的假设是A1没有导致A2。这样,(E)就切中要害。其他选项中(A)最易误选,但(A)只能是支持选项,我们可以在(A)中加入 来判定。当(A)中加入  后,只表明消沉在某些情况下是由身体的有机条件决定的,而我们只要得知,消沉在某些情况下不是由身体状况决定的,上面推理结论仍然可以正确,因此(A)支持了上面结论。(B)与“压抑消沉”无关;(C)只是一个解释性说明;(D)无论离前提还是离结论都较远。





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