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Which Watch Should I Keep?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/27 11:03  《英语学习》

  范樱 选注

  Joan was very good at science<注1> when she was at school, and she was especially interested in computers, so when she finished her education she decided to work with them.

  She very much enjoyed the work in the office she joined, and soon she was able to do unusually clever things with computers.

  "They're really like friends to me nowadays," Joan told her mother one evening during supper. "I can ask them questions, and they answer just like people, but more politely and without arguing, and without oneshavingsto wonder whether one is going to hurt their feelings.<注2> And they never lie!"

  "I should hope not!" her mother answered. "It sounds like the perfect companion<注3>—or husband—doesn't it?" They both laughed. "But can any of them think for themselves?"<注4>

  "I'm afraid not," Joan said. "You can get no more out of them than what you've put in. It's called programming.<注5> But it's wonderful what you can get them to do."

  "Well," Joan's mother said, "I'm curious<注6> to know whether you can programme one of them to give me some advice."

  "I hope so," answered Joan. "I'll try it out. What do you want advice about?"

  "Well," her mother answered, "you know my two watches, don't you?"

  "Yes," Joan answered doubtfully.<注7> "What advice can a computer give you about them?"

  "Well," her mother answered, "one of them gains one second every hour, and the other has stopped and won't start again.<注8> I'd be grateful to know which I should keep. Do you mind asking one of your computers?"

  Joan laughed and answered, "That's a strange thing to ask a computer, but I'll do so. I'll ask Donald. He's my best computer."

  When she got home the next evening, her mother had forgotten all about her request<注9> for advice.

  "You remember what you asked about your two watches, Mum?" she said.

  "Eh? What's that? My two watches? Oh, yes. I don't suppose your computer could give me any advice."<注10>

  "Oh, yes, he could!" Joan replied. "Donald had the answer in a flash."<注11>

  "Donald?" said her mother. "Oh, you mean your favourite computer."

  "'Yes,” answered Joan. "Donald advised you to keep the watch that has stopped."

  "The watch that has stopped?" Joan's mother said. "Why ever did he advise that?"

  "Because he pointed out that that watch will be right once every twelve hours, but the other one will be right only once every five years."<注12>-

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《英语学习》2002年2期 专题


1. science:理科。


3. companion/k2m#p*nj2n/:伴侣,同事。

4. think for oneself:独立思考,自己作出决定。

5. programme = program:编程。

6. curious/#kj%2ri2s/:好奇的。

7. doubtfully/#da%tf%li/:怀疑地。

8.有一只表每小时快一秒钟,另一只已经停了,不再走了。gain: (钟、表等)走得快。

9. request:要求。


11. in a flash:马上。



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