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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 欧洲将变成超级大国?

Will Europe Become a Superpower?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/29 08:14  新快报

  The only superpower to date, the Unites States of America, is watching the birth of its new competitor, a united Europe. After the euro became the official currency of several countries at once, the“old continent”is rushing to its total unification. The European Union will soon be able to challenge America, and the world will be watching.

  The convention is supposed to reform the institutes of the European Union, which are becoming outdated, and to prepare for the year 2004, when ten new countries will become members. If everything goes right, then Europe will play a completely different role in the world in about 50 years. The world will listen to Europe, to what it has to say on this or that subject, and the European opinion will be takensintosconsideration during decision-making procedures. Europe will become an equal partner with the present and future super-powers, not only an economic but also a political partner.

  It is interesting that a lot of people think that Europe’s biggest advantage is its ability to withstand the policy of the United States. The American predominance in the military and political fields became especially evident for Europeans after the anti-terrorist war started all over the world. Americans do not really reckon with Europe’s opinion in that struggle. That is why Europe hurries to unite. However, the European nations will have to give up much of their independence for that.

  Francois Nordmann, Swiss Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, raises his glass in a press club in Geneva, Switzerland, Sunday March 3, 2002.








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