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A Holiday Package with a Difference
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/02 10:43  《英语学习》

  A Dutch travel agent is offering a holiday package with a difference—a night in a cardboard box on a Paris street. The mini-break, which has come under fire from a French charity for homeless people, is aimed at companies wanting to instill a team spirit in staff. Groups of 10 contestants are left“homeless”for one night without cash or credit cards and compete against work mates to collect money by busking* or begging. Those who want to try their hand at busking are given guitars, while would-be street artists are provided with pencils. The less talented have to resort to panhandling.“They get a good meal and after that they sleep under a bridge in a cardboard box,”said Kamstra Travel director Bart Jansens. The package, which costs about per person, has yet to find any takers, although Jansens says he has had a number of inquiries.




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《英语学习》2002年2期 专题


busk:<英俚> 沿街卖艺


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