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Husband Becomes Part Of Wife's Penguin Collection
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/04 08:42  新快报

  "One day he just decided that he was going to have a tattoo and it was going to be of a penguin, so he could be part of my collection. They are very nice, but there is one I'm not keen on because they are slightly naughty penguins."——Linda said."We have been married for a long time and as we have grown together, the penguins have grown with us. I am never stuck for a present, that's for sure. There's always something to buy that she hasn't got."——Tom said. A husband has become part of his wife's collection of penguins.

  Tom Briggs has images of the birds tattooed on his arms and chest. His wife Linda has been collecting since she was a child and her collection of penguin toys and ornaments now numbers 1,500.

  The couple, from Gloucestershire, scour local antique fairs and flea markets and often follow tip-offs from friends who''ve seen penguins on sale.

  Linda's fascination began when she knitted a penguin at the age of seven. "They are so cute and cuddly - I just love them," she said. "Now it's very difficult to find ones that I haven't got. We have to search long and hard for certain items, but there are still a few that I would like. We will go miles looking for them."

  Tom Briggs join the rest of the collection.








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