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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > “死”去的丈夫复活了

Dead' Husband Rises Again
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/05 08:19  新快报

  A woman in Brazil was decorating what she thought was her dead husband's coffin when she saw it wasn't him inside.

  After seeing the body, she phoned the hospitalswheresshe thought he'd died to be told he was still there and alive. The hospital had mixed him up with another patient with a similar name who had died.

  Maria Ilda Oliveira, 52, from Jundiai, Sao Paulo says she plans to sue the Sao Vicente de Paulo hospital, the Estado de SP newspaper reports.

  The dead man was called Jose Francisco Hilario. Her husband's name is Jose Hilario de Oliveira. A hospital spokesman said: "This was human error - the names were so similar. We're investigating the case to find out who's responsible." Reports don't say what her husband is suffering from.



  52岁的玛丽亚·伊尔达·奥利维拉立即致电当地医院,才得知,她原来一直以为已经“死”了的丈夫竟然还在该医院里,好好地活着呢。原来,是医院把她丈夫的名字与一名死者的名字给搞混了——死者名叫Jose Francisco Hilario,而她丈夫则叫Jose Hilario de Oliveira。





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