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Sight for Sore Eyes
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/10 08:46  空中美语



  For many of us, walking in the rain can be a pleasant and even soothing experience. For those of us who wear glasses, though, drops of water on the lenses and obscured visin can have us running for cover. Interested in returning to your days before glasses? Good news! Wearing contact lenses is no longer your only option.

  Recently, Lasik eye surgery has become the most widely used surgical procedure for vision correction. Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens. Because of the imperfection, light entering the eye is not clearly focused on the retina.

  During the Lasik procedure, a thin piece of the cornea is cut and folded back. Then, a laser is used to reshape the lower layer of corneal tissue. After the corneal flap is lowered backsintosplace, it quickly adheres to the eyeball.

  The procedure immediately improves the focus of liaght on the retina. After only one day of recovry, patients already notice a significant difference, and about 70 percent regain 20/20 vision. However, Laser eye surgery is not without its risks, so Lasik is not for everyone.

  If you are considering Lasik surgery, you should first consult an ophthalmologist and a refractive surgeon to see what is best for your particular situation. After all, you have only got two eyes--and they need to last a lifetime.







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空中美语 专栏


1.obscured a.不清楚的

2.cornea n.眼角膜

3.retina n.视网膜

4.flap n.垂下物


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