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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/11 10:08  北京青年报


  Now Chinese audiences can experience a monument of Western story-telling that has enchanted readers for the past fifty years.The recently released filmLord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is based upon the novel of the same name by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.This book is the first of three novels that together comprise the trilogy Lord of the Rings.The film of the second book, The Two Towers, is due to be released next winter, while the film based on book three, The Return of the King, will appear in 2003 or 2004.

  The Fellowship of the Ring has received a great deal of media attention, and not only because of its cinematic achievements (it won four Academy Awards last month for best cinematography, best visual effects, best make-up and best original score). Since completion of the trilogy by Tolkien in 1954, Lord of the Rings has become a widely read and influential work of literature amongst children and adults alike.Tolkien's fantastical world of Middle Earth captures the imagination, and the devoted following of Tolkien fans proves that Middle Earth, though wholly created by Tolkien, thrives in the minds of readers.

  Middle Earth is not a simple world.It possesses a long history and is inhabited by populations of diverse beings, from gentle Hobbits to vicious Orcs to more familiar Humans. Eachsgroupshas its own complete society, culture, history and style of dress. They share the continent of Middle Earth, living, fighting, and dying as neighbors.The conquest and subsequent control of certain populations by the others has shaped the course of Middle Earth's history, creating the foundation of the stories in the trilogy.In his novels J.R.R. Tolkien took care to depict each of the cultures of Middle Earth in minute detail, which is what makes this world so fascinating and so real for readers.A medievalist at the University of Oxford, Tolkien (1892-1973) used his knowledge of European history, legends and myths to create a world that is imaginary yet utterly persuasive.The enduring popularity ofthe Lord of the Rings trilogy shows how deeply Tolkien's work has connected with readers.Middle Earth is an escape from our real Earth, but life in Middle Earth is just as full of problems and conflicts as our daily lives. Middle Earth thus provides us with the chance to examine and reflect upon the issues important in our lives, but in a fantasy setting.

  Director Peter Jackson,a self-proclaimed Tolkien fan, spent seven years preparing and producing Lord of the Rings.Jackson has said in interviews that his goal was to bring Middle Earth to life, to make its creatures and cultures real for audiences.The Fellowship of the Ring is an introduction to this world and the adventures that befall one small Hobbit named Frodo Baggins.Even people who have not yet read the novel will find the film rapturously engaging.One need not be thoroughly schooled in the lives of the inhabitants of Middle Earth to be swept into their world.What draws viewers into the film is the mysterious familiarity of the characters and the landscape.Although we know that this is a work of fantasy fiction, we can relate to the various characters and the situations they must face.

  As a film, The Fellowship of the Ring is an impressive display of movie magic and special effects:the wizard Gandalf towers dramatically over the small Hobbits; the landscape sweeps from the gentle hills of Hobbiton to the exquisite cliffs of Rivendell (home of the Elves, who speak their own language, Quenya) and the sinister darkness of Mordor; the fighting scenes are terrifyingly realistic yet infused with supernatural twists.The story fol-lows Frodo as he attempts to destroy a magic ring of such evil that it corrupts every person who cannot resist the temptation to use its powers.When the ring was first made, the Dark Lord Sauron used its evil to conquer Middle Earth, but the ring was eventually taken from Sauron and peace was restored.For many years the ring is forgotten,until one day it appears in Hobbiton and sets in motion another campaign to conquer Middle Earth by the forces of Sauron and Mordor.

  At a basic level, the film is about the struggle of good versus evil, the classic divide that never fails to entertain.The story is about power and greed, but also about discovering one's ability to confront unforeseen challenges.When Frodo is nearly ready to give up the quest, the Elf Queen Galandriel pushes him onward by reminding him that“even the smallest person can change the course of the future”.Though we understand Frodo's self-doubt, we begin to believe that he may indeed be the only one who can save Middle Earth.And as a good serial film should, The Fellowship of the Ring tantalizes viewers by ending just as the main story is about to begin, leaving us impatient for the next installment of the trilogy.

  For further information, consult the official movie website: www.lordoftherings.net.Two websites for fans of Tolkien are www.lotrfanclub.com and www.lordotrings.com.









  要想获得更多信息,可访问该影片的官方网站:www.lordoftherings.net。托尔金小说迷的两个网站是 www.lotrfanclub.comwww.lordotrings.com




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