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City expects more model quarters
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/27 11:17  解放日报

  Shanghai aims that by 2005all local residential areas will reach the current construction standards to achieve a better living environment for city dwellers,Xinmin Evening News reported today.

  Some two thirds of local people live in 1,500or so municipal model areas or areas that reach the standards.

  The city began to establish model quarters in 1989.The quality of residential facilities,services,environment and civic virtue were the criteria for reaching the standard.

  The effort of building model quarters was very much welcomed by city residents.A survey showed that 98percent of residents living in municipal model quarters were satisfied with the residential environment.

  City officials said it also aims that by 2005one third of city districts will become model districts and half of villages will be model villages.




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