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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > City to remove old tanks to save water

City to remove old tanks to save water
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/04/27 11:17  解放日报

  Shanghai will spent 30million yuan (US.6million)in the next three years replacing some 600,00013-liter toilet water tanks now in use in local homes with new tanks of no larger than 9liters to help save water,Labor Daily reported today.

  The project will help the city save tap water of 720,000liters monthly,said Zhang Jiayi,head of the Shanghai Water Resource Bureau.

  The city began to install tanks of 9liters or less in all new residences two years ago.And China has already removed tanks of 13liters from the market.However,there are still 600,000old tanks in use in the city?ˉs old homes.

  The city?ˉs Water Resource Bureau decided that a team of repairmen will be organized to visit the some 600,000homes one by one to replace their tanks with new ones.The service will be free,officials said.

  The project,costing some 10million yuan annually,will help save tap water,reduce sewages and pollutions,and save families?ˉspending on water.Totaling water fee of some 14million yuan will be saved annually,officials said.

  Shanghai started to popularize smaller toilet tanks,automatic water taps and other new facilities in businesses and homes to help save water about two years ago.A city abundant in water resources,Shanghai was however in severe short of clean water as a result of heavy water pollution.




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