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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 母亲的命令--妻子和岳母同日生产

Mum's The Word For Double Bet
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/03 11:11  新快报

  A car salesman stands to win£1,000 after placing a bet that his wife and mother-in-law would give birth on the same day.

  John Lovell has staked£10 at odds of 100/1 that wife Clare and mother-in-law Sally Sterry will become mothers on the same day.

  Clare is expecting her second child on April 20, while Sally is due to give birth to her and husband Keith''s fifth child on May 16.

  Graham Sharpe, spokesman for bookmaker William Hill, said: "This is a unique wager. We've taken bets on individual babies being born on the same day as their mother, twins and weights of babies - but we've never had a man betting his wife and mother-in-law will give birth on the same day. The family are hoping the extra excitement of the bet will encourage one baby to be late and the other early. If that does happen, it'll be Mum's the word for us."

  The family are from Orpington in Kent and Sally is aged 40 while her daughter is 20.









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