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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 雅思面试第五阶迷你表达法

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/06 13:54  新东方教育在线



※Useful expressions
Thank you for your help/ time.
It has bee very helpful talking to you.
You have bee very helpful.
Good-bye. Hope to see you again.

※What the candidate should dountil the moment you leave the interview room.
Shake hands confidently, if it is appropriate and thank the examiner for his or the time.
Remember that last impressions can be just as important at first impressions.
Simply say:“Thank you very much for your time.I enjoyed talking with you. Goodbye.” Or a similar concluding sentence or two of your own.
Relax and remain in control right up

※What the candidate should not do Do
not tell the examiner how relieved you are the test is over, and there is no need to comment on your performance!
Do not overdo your friendliness at the end. Be glad you did your best, smile and leave the room.
Do not ask the examiner for Band Scores. He or she is unable to

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