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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 旅游:浪漫水都--威尼斯(2)

Venetian Vacation II
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/08 09:14  空中美语




  St. Mark’s Basilica stands at one end of St. Mark’s Square. Napoleon called the square the“finest drawing room in Europe.”Tourists have been going there for centuries to visit its celebrated caféand get a taste of the party atmosphere.

  The best time to visit Venice is during the clear spring days of March and April. From June to August, the city is hot, sticky, and crowded with tourists. Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. Floods are common in November and December, presenting Venetians with one of their most difficult and ongoing problems.

  It is well-known that Venice faces an uncertain future. The city is sinkingsintosthe sea, its historic buildings are falling to pieces, and the famous lagoon is badly polluted. Unless solutions are found soon for these complex problems, the“Queen of the Adriatic,”as Venice is sometimes called, will not be able to sit on her watery throne for very much longer.







  1. St. Mark’s Square n.圣马可广场

  2. drawing room n.客厅;休息室

  3. Queen of the Adriatic n.亚得里亚海之皇后

  Language Focus

  Pattern A

  St. Mark’s Basilica stands at one end of St. Mark’s Square.


  (1) S + stand / sit / lie + in/at/on... +地点

  (2) S + be situated + in/at/on... +地点be located

  解析:表达“某(建)物坐落于…”可用上述两种句型。stand和sit这两个动词,通常用在直立的建筑物或物品,lie则用在平铺之物。注意:stand, sit, lie等动词要用主动用法;situate和locate须用被动语态。介词视其后所接名词决定。

  例1:Beijing lies in the north of China.


  例2:The white church was located on a hill.


  Pattern B

  Unless solutions are found soon for these complex problems, the“Queen of the Adriatic,”as Venice is sometimes called, will not be able to sit on her watery throne for very much longer.


  (1) Unless + S + V ... , S + V...

  (2) S + V ... unless + S + V ...

  解析:1. unless引导表“条件”的副词从句,意思是“除非…否则”,注意不可与or连用。

  2. unless相当于“only if ... not”或“on the condition that ...”强调“除了…外的唯一条件”。


  例1:Unless Grant is a complete idiot, he’ll understand.除非格兰特是个完全的大白痴,不然他一定会明白。

  例2:The kid will die unless the doctor operates immediately.除非医生马上动手术,不然那个孩子会马上死掉。



  1. Aunt Marie’s house is _________ __________ the foot of a hill, ________ a beautiful lake nearby.玛丽姑妈的房子就在山脚下,旁边有个美丽的湖泊。

  2. A medieval castle _________ ___________ here.从前这儿有座中世纪城堡。

  3. You won’t _________ weight _________ you ___________ to a diet and work out every day.除非你节食而且每天做运动,否则你无法减轻你的体重。

  4. _________ you _________ to buy me a five-carat diamond ring, I ___________ marry you.除非你答应买个五克拉的钻戒给我,否则我就不嫁给你。



  1. fall to pieces


  2. function as


  3. comprise


  Language Focus_答案:


  1. located/situated; at; with

  2. once; stood

  3. lose; unless; keep

  4. Unless; promise; won’t


  1. I thought she would fall to pieces when I told her her dog had died.

  2. Umbrellas also function as shades from the sun.

  3. Judges and politicians comprised the committee.

  Reading Question

  After reading the article, choose the best answer to each question.

  1. What would you probably NOT see if you went to Venice in the summer?

  (A) Gondolas.

  (B) Canals.

  (C) Floods.

  (D) Tourists.

  2. Which of the following is true?

  (A) Venice is an island.

  (B) Venice was built on many islands.

  (C) Cars can drive on Venice’s“main street.”

  (D) Venetians drive cars called gondolas.

  3. What are some problems facing Venice?

  (A) Pollution and the possibility of sinking.

  (B) Hot, sticky weather and cold winters.

  (C) Celebrated caféand a party atmosphere.

  (D) Too many attractions, including St. Mark’s Basilica.

  4.swheresdoes the Grand Canal go?

  (A) Through six districts and then to a lagoon.

  (B) There are 150 canals you can go to in Venice.

  (C) The Grand Canal goes to Venice’s main attraction.

  (D) It goes to Venice.

  Reading Questions_答案:

  1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A)

旅游:浪漫水都--威尼斯(1) (2002/04/27 09:32)
Throw in the towel/投掷毛巾(2002/05/08/ 13:57)
Peep/出声(2002/04/30/ 13:26)
lose weight/减肥(2002/04/30/ 13:25)
人物篇:希尔顿成功之道(2)(2002/04/30/ 10:18)
Clobber/打(2002/04/29/ 15:31)
in time/最后;最终(2002/04/29/ 15:30)
空中美语 专栏


1. atmosphere
n. the feeling a place or event gives sb气氛
I like that restaurant because it has a relaxing atmosphere.

2. flood
n. a condition where water rises and overtakes dry land洪水;水灾
After the flood, we had a lot of cleaning up to do.

3. sink
v. to drop, usually into water; to fall below a certain level下沉;沉没
The captain drowned when his ship sank.

4. fall to pieces
idiom to fall apart; to need a lot of repair work破碎
You need a new school bag! Your old one is falling to pieces.

5. solution
n. a remedy; an answer解决;解答
The United Nations gathers people together every year to discuss solutions to world problems.

6. complex
adj. complicated; having many parts复杂的;综合的
The questions are difficult to answer because they are so complex.


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